Annual Report 2008–09
大事回顧 Calendar of Events 15.12.2008 善衡書院舉行動土典禮,預計兩年後落成。 The ground-breaking ceremony of S.H. Ho College. The new home for students is expected to be completed after two years. 17.12.2008 晨興書院舉行動土典禮,預計於二零一零年秋季錄取首批學生。 The ground-breaking ceremony of Morningside College. The new College is expected to accept its first students in the fall of 2010. 19.3.2009 大學與深圳市政府簽訂全面合作備忘錄,並舉行香港中文大學深圳研究院 大樓動土典禮。 The University signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Shenzhen Municipal Government and held the ground-breaking ceremony of the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute Building. 20.3.2009 中大與深圳華大基因研究院簽署成立 「中•華•基因組研究中心」。 CUHK and the Beijing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen (BGI), signed a collaborative agreement to establish the CUHK-BGI 4.2009 校園發展規劃顧問提交《校園發展計劃報 告書概要》,勾劃大學至二零二一年及其 後校園平衡和可持續發展的願景。 The consultant for the Campus Master Plan submitted the Campus Master Plan Synoptic Report, mapping out a visionary and sustainable campus development plan for the years leading up to 2021 and beyond.
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