Annual Report 2008–09
37 學 術 發 展 Academic Development • 經濟學系論著蓬勃,按《亞洲經濟學報》二 零零八年發表的統計,以刋登在質素最高之 六十本學術期刊上之經濟論文計算,該系在 東亞學府中稱冠。 According to a study published in the Journal of Asian Economics in 2008, the CUHK Department of Economics ranked first in East Asia in terms of publications in the top 60 economic journals. • 校長劉遵義教授及經濟學系宋恩榮教授憑論 文〈非競爭型投入佔用產出模型及其應用— 中美貿易順差透視〉,榮獲第二屆張培剛發 展經濟學優秀成果獎。 A research paper on the favourable balance of trade between China and US written by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, CUHK Vice- Chancellor, and Prof. Sung Yun-wing of the Department of Economics was awarded the second Peikang Chang Prize in Development Economics. • 社會工作學系應中國科學院心理研究所之 邀,開展三項計劃,對四川地震倖存者和受影 響社區提供災後援助。該等計劃是「災難後 的文化修復工程及北川羌族小數民族社區治 療」、「災後安置如何影響教師與學生家庭聯 結─中國四川地震的個案研究」,以及在四 川北川中學的社工實習計劃。 At the invitation of the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Department of Social Work launched three initiatives to provide help and support to the survivors and the affected community of the Sichuan quake, namely: ‘Post-Disaster Cultural Restoration and Healing of the Qiang Ethnic Community of Beichuan’; ‘Effects of Post-Disaster Relief on Teachers’ and Students’ Family Connectedness: A Case Study on Sichuan Earthquake in China’; and the field work placement in Beichuan Secondary School in Sichuan. 社會科學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Social Science 四川災後精神重建工作 Sichuan post-quake spiritual reconstruction work 中大學生為四川孩子舉辦的工作坊完結儀式 The ending ritual of a workshop held by the CUHK students for the children in Sichuan
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