Vice-Chancellor's Report 1985-87
Venu e Universit y Campus Universit y Campus Universit y Campus Hon g Kong Institute for Promotion of Chines e Culture Universit y Campus The University of Hon g Kong Crouche r Foundation Universit y Campus Universit y Campus Universit y Campus Universit y Campus Duratio n 5.5.8 6 10-13.5.8 6 26-29.5.8 6 22-26.9.8 6 10-11.10.8 6 28.11-2.12.8 6 25-26.1.8 7 16-20.3.8 7 Organizing/Sponsorin g Uni t Externa l Hon g Kong Biochemical Associatio n Internationa l Union of Biochemistr y Min g Pao Daily News Ltd . Hon g Kong Institute for Promotio n of Chinese Cultur e Researc h Centre on the Anthropolog y of South Chin a and Indo-Chinese Peninsul a of the French Nationa l Centre of Scientifi c Research The University of Hong Kon g Lee Foundation in Singapor e Chines e Banks' Association , Ltd. The T'oegyehak Stud y Institute , Seoul , Korea Shangha i Fraternity Associatio n Endowment Fund Goeth e Institut CUH K Departmen t of Biochemistry The Chinese University of Hon g Kong Departmen t of Anthropology The Chinese University of Hon g Kong Overseas Chinese Archives of the Centre for Contemporar y Asian Studies Unite d College Departmen t of Governmen t and Public Administration Chines e Law Programme o f the Centre for Contemporar y Asia n Studies Departmen t of Chinese Languag e and Literature Departmen t of Philosophy Offic e of International Studie s Programmes Conference/Semina r Worksho p on Biochemical Education Symposiu m on Contemporary Chinese Painting Internationa l Colloquium on Yao Studies 8th Commonwealth Conference of Registrars of Universitie s of Southeast Asia and Pacific Area Internationa l Conference on Chinese Banking and Natio n Building in Southeast Asia Conferenc e on Constitutional Law and Basic Laws 9th International Conference on the T'oegye Schoo l of Neo-Confucianism Internationa l Conference on China and Europe: 16th to 18t h Centurie s 233
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