Annual Report 2008–09
32 幼兒教育論壇及講座 Early Childhood Education Forum and Talk 2 教育學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Education • 學院多次獲得優質教育基金及教育局的可觀 撥款,推動夥伴學校自我反思,建立學校團 隊,以求自我完善。學院過去十年曾為六百多 所中小學提供專業支援諮詢服務,被譽為帶 領學校改進的先驅。 The Faculty carried out comprehensive school development projects with the support of sizable grants from the Quality Education Fund and the Education Bureau. These projects enabled partnership schools to engage in self-reflection and team building, leading to continuous improve- ment. Having been the supportive partner for development for over 600 schools in Hong Kong in the past 10 years, the Faculty has earned recognition as a leader of school improvement endeavours in Hong Kong. • 學院於二零零九年一月舉辦幼兒教育論 壇及講座,促進業界同工交流,推動本港 幼兒教育發展,出席人次超過四百。是年 度舉辦的幼兒教育研究計劃包括「從 『促進學習的評估』提升幼兒 / 初小 學生的自主學習能力」及「幼兒教育 達善計劃」等。 The ‘Early Childhood Education Forum and Talk’ was organized in January 2009. Over 400 educators in the field were in attendance. It served as an occasion for inspirational discussion on the development of early childhood. Related projects in 2008–09 included ‘From Assessment for Learning to Promoting Self-regulated learning in Early Childhood Education (Kindergarten and Junior Primary)’ and ‘School Improvement Project for Early Childhood Education’. • 體育運動科學系於二零零八年十一月舉辦「兒童 肥胖國際會議︰體育運動科學的實踐與效果」, 提供跨文化知識及經驗交流的平台,吸引百多名 來自澳洲、中國內地、歐洲、日本、北美及台灣的 業界代表參加。 The Department of Sports Science and Physical Education hosted the ‘International Conference on Childhood Obesity: Evidence and Practice from Exercise Science’ in November 2008. The conference, which attracted more than 100 delegates from Australia, mainland China, Europe, Japan, North America and Taiwan, provided a platform for a cross-cultural exchange of knowledge and expertise. 「兒童肥胖國際會議:體育運動科學的實踐與效果」開幕儀式 Opening ceremony of the ‘International Conference on Childhood Obesity: Evidence and Practice from Exercise Science’
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