Vice-Chancellor's Report 1990-93
修訂日期 Date of Approval 摘 要 Particulars 11.5.93 修訂規程第十八條,將下述人士列入評議會 (i) 任何人士於大學成立前註冊入讀任何一所原有書院, 曾修讀該院一項不短於四年之課程,滿足有關之修 業要求,並獲得該院或專上學院統一文憑委員會頒 發文憑者; (ii) 任何人士凡註冊爲硏究生,曾於一所學院或專科學 院修讀一項不短於一學年之審定課程,滿足有關之 修業要求,並獲敎務會頒發硏究院文憑者。 Statute 18 was amended to provide for the inclusion in the Convocation of (i) all the diploma-holders of the three original colleges who had completed a course of study in fulfilment of the requirements of a four-year tertiary-level programme leading to the award of a diploma by one of the three colleges or a joint diploma by the Post-Secondary Col- leges Joint Diploma Board, before the founding of the University; and (ii) all the holders of a postgraduate diploma issued by the University who have attended for at least one academic year an approved course of study as a registered post- graduate student admitted to a faculty or school. 28.6.93 修訂規程第十五條及第二十條, (i) 使學院院長有資格連續獲選任第三任任期; (ii) 授權大學校董會,酌情決定是否委任校外專家爲敘 聘諮詢委員會成員。 Statutes 15 and 20 were amended to (i) enable the deans of faculties to be eligible for re-election for a third consecutive term of office; (ii) give to the Council a discretion whether to appoint an external expert as amember of the Board of Advisers for appointment of lecturers. 1iii 55
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