Annual Report 1999–2000
校園建設與環境保護 87 CAMPU SDEVELOPMEN T AN DENVIRONMENTA L PROTECTIO N 李 國 章 校 長 和 副 校 長 廖 柏 偉 敎 授 乘 搭 中 大首輛環保校巴 Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, vice-chancellor, and Prof. P. W. Liu, pro-vice-chancellor, on an environment-friendly shuttle bus 環 境 保 護 中文大學於一九九九年九月 起,用半年時間完成了詳盡的 校園環境審核,是本地大學的 創舉。二零零零年六月五日, 李國章校長在世界環境日記者 招待會上公布了審核報告,並 提出全港首個校園環保方案。 方案有八大要點:廢物處理、 飯堂衛生、交通控制、能源 效益、樓宇建築、空氣素質及 水質、環境管理,以及環保敎 育及宣傳。審核報告亦建議所 有工程承建商都必須符合有 關的環保及安全法例,以及選 取合乎環保的建築材料。大學 也會要求承建商及其顧問呈交 環境管理計劃書及安全計劃 書。 此外,物業管理處已開始統籌和推行校內的減少廢物運動及 增進能源效益運動,以期在二零零七年減少廢物量百分之 二十及在二零零五年減少總耗電量百分之二十。校內所有大 型穿梭巴士亦會在二零零零年底前安裝柴油催化器 , 以減 少行驗時排放的黑煙。 保護校園環境需要員工、學生、學系及書院的廣泛支持。為 使環保方案順利推行和鼓勵員生積極參與,大學的環境事 務督導委員會邀請了學生代表參加,四所成員書院也分別設 立環保委員會,而各部門亦設有協調機制,方便動員全校 響應環保活動。 Environmental Protection T he most significant event was th e completion o f a comprehensive environmental audit o f the University, th e first o f it s k i n d ever conducted i n local universities. This review lasted f o r si x mo n t hs f r om September 1999, resulting i n a report recommending a package o f environmental protection initiatives, w h i ch were announced b y the vice-chancellor Prof. A r t h u rK . C . L i a t a press conference o n W o r l d E n v i r o nme n t D a y o n 5th June 2000. These initiatives cover eight major areas, including waste management, canteen hygiene, traffic control, energy conservation, building construction activities, ai r an d water quality, environmental management, an d environmental education an d publicity. A s recommended b y th e report, contracts f o r al l major construction w o r ks w o u ld have t o c omp ly w i t h relevant legislation related t o environmental protection an d safety matters. This includes th e selection o f building materials and th e submission o f environmental management plans and safety plans b y consultants and contractors where appropriate. T h e Estates Management Office was charged w i t h launching a comprehensive programme f o r waste reduction and energy conservation aiming a t reducing waste b y 20 pe r cent b y the end o f 2007, and reducing energy consumption b y 2 0pe r cent b y the end o f the five-year energy conservation plan. T o m i n i m i zediesel exhaust fumes f r o m campus transport, al l large shuttle buses w o u l d b e fitted w i t h diesel oxidation catalysts b y the end o f 2000. Protecting th e campus e n v i r o nme nt requires th e involvement o f staff, students, academic departments an d colleges. There are student representatives on environmental protection committees a t th e Un i v e r s i ty level; al l four colleges have their o w n environmental protection committees, and a departmental c o o r d i n a t or system wa s being se t u p t o ensure campus-wide participation i n various environmental protection initiatives. 飯堂清潔明亮 A canteen bright and clean
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