Annual Report 1999–2000
服務香港 放眼世界 55 SERVICETO HON G KON G AND THE WORL D 社會服務 過去一年,不少中大成員為眾多海內外組織和學術機構提供 專業知識及意見,他們或出任委員會的正副主席或委員,或 協助編輯學術期刊,或擔任顧問工作。 中大成員對各地社會所作之貢獻,備受表揚,並獲多項獎 譽。 五名中大成員於二零零零年元旦獲香港特別行政區授勳, 計有偉倫榮譽講座敎授饒宗頤敎授獲授大紫荊勳章,大學校 董會主席利漢釗博士和校長李國章敎授分獲金紫荊勳章, 公共衛生學院院長李紹鴻敎授獲銀紫荊勳章,社會工作學系 石丹理敎授獲銅紫荊勳章。 李國章校長於一九九九年十一月獲香港科技大學頒授榮譽文 學博士學位,十二月獲日本創價大學頒授榮譽博士學位,另 外又獲選續任中國大學校長聯誼副會長。博文講座敎授楊 振寧敎授獲行政長官委任為創新科技顧問委員會的特別顧 問;副校長廖柏偉敎授亦獲委任為該委員會成員。副校長楊 綱凱敎授及化學講座敎授吳奇敎授獲選為美國物理學會院 士;化學講座敎授黃乃正敎授獲選為中國科學院院士。 C o m m u n i t y S e r v i ce I n 1999-2000, Un i v e r s i ty facult y and staff continued to lend their expertise to ma ny local and international organizations, servin g these bodies i n such capacities as chairpersons, presidents and vice-presidents, committee members, editorial board members, advisers, and consultants. T h e i r dedicated service and significant c o n t r i b u t i on to the betterment of the local and international c o mm u n i ty w o n t h em ma ny accolades. Five members of th e Un i v e r s i t y were o n the Year 2000 H o n o u rs List of the Go v e r nme nt of the H o n g K o n g Special Administrative Region ( HKSAR ). Prof. Jao Tsung I, W e i L u n H o n o r a ry Professor, was awarded the G r a nd Bauhinia Medal. D r . Lee Ho n - c h i u, chairman o£ th e U n i v e r s i ty Council, and Prof. A r t h u r K . C. L i, vice- chancellor, were awarded the G o l d Bauhinia Star. Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, director of the School of Public He a l t h, wa s awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star. Prof. Daniel Shek of the Department of Social W o r k was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star. Prof. A r t h u r K . C. L i wa s further re-elected the Vice-President of the Association of Un i v e r s i ty Presidents of Ch i na i n December 1999, and conferred an h o n o r a ry doctorate by Japan's Soka Un i v e r s i t y and an h o n o r a ry degree of D o c t or of Letters b y the H o n g K o n g Un i v e r s i ty o f Science and Technology. Prof. Yang Chen-ning, Distinguished Professor-at-Large, was appointed b y the Chief Executive of the H K S A R as a special advise r to the C o u n c il of Advisers o n I n n o v a t i on and Technology. Prof. L i u Pak Wai , pro-vice-chancellor, was appointed b y the Chief Executiv e as a member of the same Council. Prof. Ke n n e th Y o u n g, pro-vice-chancellor, and Prof. W u Chi, professor of chemistry , were b o th elected F e l l ow of the Ame r i c an Physical Society. Prof. W o n g Nai-ching, professor of chemistry, was elected Memb er of the Chinese A c a d emy of Sciences. 李國章校長(左一)於香港科技大學的學位頒授典禮上 Prof. Arthur K. C. Li (left 1) at the honorary degree conferment ceremony of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 1999
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