Vice-Chancellor's Report 1990-93
全職敎職員人數 一九九零至九三年 Numb er o f Fu l l - t ime S t a ff 1990-93 教職員 S taff 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 敎 學 Academic 講座敎授 Professor 46 50 54 敎授 Reader 33 44 49 高級講師 Senior Lecturer 146 143 154 講師 Lecturer 390 410 434 副講師 Assistant Lecturer 19 10 13 高級導師 Senior Instructor 及導師 and Instructor 87 721 88 745 97 801 研究 Research 63 62 76 行 政 Administrative 146 155 164 專 業 Professional 149 155 189 技 術 Technical 383 404 444 文 書 Office Supporting 632 661 706 職工 Minor 820 842 912 總人數 Total 2,914 3,024 3,292 註:當年一月一日計算 不包括擔任名譽職務者及香港生物科技研究院之職員 Notes: All figures as at 1st January Honorary appointments and staff at the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology are not included. 全職教職員分佈 Distribution of Full-time Staff 全職教師分佈 Distribution of Full-time Academic Staff 2 58 1990-91
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