Annual Report 2003–04
前司法機構調查主任林序閣先生 Mr. Lam Chui-kok, former Tribunal Officer in the Judiciary 推廣義工服務督導委員會委員兼學生及青年義務工作推廣小組召集人殷巧兒女士 Ms. Yan Hau-yee, Lina, Member of the Steering Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service, and Convener of the Sub-committee on Promotion of Student and Youth Volunteering 衛生署衛生防護中心感染控制處主任翁維雄醫生 Dr. Yung Wai-hung, Raymond, Head, Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health 康樂及文化事務署圖書館總館長脱新範女士 Ms. Tuet Sun-fan, Chief Librarian in the Leisure and Cultural Services Department 黃大仙區撲滅罪行委員會主席陳偉仲先生 Mr. Chan Wai-chung, Chairman of Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime Committee 民眾安全服務隊特遣部隊副總指揮陳漢文先生 Mr. Chan Hon-man, Deputy Tactical Force Commander, Civil Aid Service 荃灣葵涌及青衣區中學校長會副會長、葵涌蘇浙公學校長曾其鞏先生 Mr. Tsang Kee-kung, Vice-President of the Association of Heads of Secondary Schools of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung & Tsing Yi District, and Principal of Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung) 前清潔香港策劃委員會委員兼宣傳和公民敎育組主席葉潔馨女士 Ms. Ip Kit-hing, Kitty, former Member of Steering Committee on Clean Hong Kong and Chairman of Publicity and Public Education Group 香港電影資料館節目策劃及影評人劉耀權(羅卡)先生 Mr. Lau Yiu-kuen (Law Kar), Programmer of the Hong Kong Film Archive and film critic 行政長官社區/公共服務獎狀 Chief Executive's Commendation for Community/Government/Public Service 香港中文大學醫學院公共衛生學院健康敎育及促進健康中心主任李大拔敎授 Prof. Albert Lee, Director of the Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 葛量洪校友會將軍澳學校校長李敬忠先生 Mr. Lee King-chung, Headmaster, GCEPSA Tseung Kwan O Primary School 元朗朗屏邨惠州學校校長劉明基先生 Mr. Lau Ming-ki, Headmaster, Yuen Long Long Ping Estate Wai Chow School 浸信會永隆中學校長譚日旭先生 Mr. Tam Yat-yuk, Principal, Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School 衛生署總院務主任余關翠雯女士 Mrs. Yu Kwan Chui-man, Jenny, Chief Hospital Administrator, Department of Health 衛生署護士長吳幼蘭女士 Ms. Ng Yau-lan, Ada, Nursing Officer, Department of Health 學生及校友 Students and Alumni 77
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