Vice-Chancellor's Report 1990-93
楊綱凱敎授 Prof. Kenneth Young, BS, PhD (自一九九二年八月一日起) (from 1st August 1992) 校董會由海外教育機構薦任 Not more than four persons from universities or education organizations outside Hong Kong who shall be nominated by the Council Dr. Clark Kerr, PhD, L L D (至一九九三年五月卅一日止) (until 31st May 1993) Prof. Peter Karmel, AC, CBE, BA, PhD, L LD, DLitt, DUniv , FACE, FASSA 大學監督委任 Four persons nominated by the Chancellor 馮國經博士 Dr. Victor K. Fung, CBE, BSc, MSc, PhD (自一九九一年十一月廿七日起) (from 27th November 1991) 潘永祥博士 Dr. Peter Poon Wing-cheung, OBE, LLB, L LM, LLD, FHKSA, FCPA, CPA, FCIS, ATII, CPAS, JP (至一九九二年十月十九日止) (until 19th October 1992) 洗爲堅先生 Mr. David W. K. Sin 王賡武敎授 Prof. Wang Gungwu, CBE, BA, MA , PhD, L LD, DLitt, F A H A 立法局官守議員以外之議員互相選任 Three persons elected by the members of the Legislative Council, other than official members, from among their own number 鍾沛林議員 The Hon. Chung Pui-lam, OBE, L LB, PCLL, ACIArb, JP (至一九九三年六月三十日止) (until 30th June 1993) 鄧蓮如勳爵 The Rt. Hon. The Baroness Dunn, DBE, BS, L LD, JP (至一九九零年十月十七日止) (until 17th October 1990) 李鵬飛議員 Dr. the Hon. Allen Lee Peng-fei, CBE, BS, DEng, L LD, FHKIE, JP (自一九九零年十月十八日起) (from 18th October 1990) 譚惠珠議員 Dr. the Hon. Maria Wai-chu Tam, CBE, L LB, L LD, JP 狄志遠議員 The Hon. Tik Chi-yuen (自一九九三年七月一日起) (from 1st July 1993) 校董會由香港居民中選任 Not more than four other persons, normally resident in Hong Kong, who shall be elected by the Council 鄭明訓先生 Mr. Paul M . F. Cheng, BA, M B A (自一九九二年一月十五日起) (from 15th January 1992) 張煌昌先生 Mr. Thomas H. C. Cheung (自一九九一年三月二十日起) (from 20th March 1991) 馮秉芬爵士 Dr. the Hon. Sir Kenneth Ping-fan Fung, CBE, L LD, DSocSc, KStJ, JP (至一九九二年一月十四日止) (until 14th January 1992) 利漢釗先生 Mr. Lee Hon-chiu, BS, MS (自一九九二年六月十日起) (from 10th June 1992) 利榮森博士 Dr. J. S. Lee, OBE, BA, L L D (至一九九二年五月六日止) (until 6th May 1992) 利國偉爵士 Sir Quo-wei Lee, CBE, L LD, DBA, JP 黃用諏敎授 Prof. Y. C. Wong, OBE, BSc, PhD, DSc, DLit, JP (至一九九零年十月十七日止) (until 17th October 1990) 秘書 Secretary of the Council 梁少光先生 Mr. Jacob Leung, BSocSc, MD i v 1i 51
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