Annual Report 2003–04
- L e c t u r e: 'The Economic Importance of School Quality', 1st April 2004 - S e m i n a r: ‘Internationalizing the US University - Post 9/11', 8th April 2004 - L e c t u r e: 'Changing Minds: The Art and Science of Changing Our Own and the Other People's Minds', 17th May 2004 • The faculty organized the following events in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the University: - A n interactive corner to exhibit computer-based self-learning programmes and a fun learning corner for activities on studying techniques at the University Mall, 21st - 26th September 2003 - An academic exhibition at Ho Tim Building to share with the public the achievements of the faculty's research and training projects, 21st - 26th September 2003 - L e c t u r e s: 'Being an Effective Parent in the 21st Century', 6th October 2003 and 'The Impact of the Education Reform to the Public', 13th October 2003 - T h r e e alumni, Mr. Chan Kin Hung, Ms. Lam Sui Hing, and Mr. Tai Hay Lap, were presented the Faculty of Education Alumni Achievement Awards in a ceremony held on 26th September 2003. • The Tien Chang Lin Technology Innovation Foundation Ltd. sponsored HK$2 million in support of the 'Writing for Integrated Teacher Education Project'. Mr. Eddie Wang, supervisor of New Method College, donated HK$1 million to support the project 'Development of Innovation Leaders for Tomorrow'. • The Read Daily Project attracted over 500 member schools to subscribe to its website and facilitated 120,000 students to complete the daily reading assignment in the year under review. 一講座:「性別、學術表現及學科選擇之關係」(二零零 四年二月十七日) 一講座:「學校素質在經濟上的重要性」(二零零四年四 月一日) 一研討會:「九一一後美國大學國際化」(二零零四年四 月八日) 一講座:「改變自我或他人心態的科學與藝術」(二零零 四年五月十七日) •為慶祝大學立校四十周年,敎育學院舉辦下列活動: 一在林蔭大道設置互動自學敎材程式的展覽及介紹小組 學習技巧的攤位(二零零三年九月二十一至二十六日) 一在何添樓舉辦學術展覽,介紹近年開創的敎育研究和 發展計劃(二零零三年九月二十一至二十六日) 一講座:「如何在新世紀作個稱職的家長」(二零零三年 十月六日)及「敎育改革對公眾的影響」(二零零三年十 月十三日) 一設立「香港中文大學敎育學院校友成就獎」,表揚在敎 育專業有傑出貢獻及成就的校友,得獎者為陳建熊先 生、林瑞馨女士及戴希立先生,頒獎禮於二零零三年 九月二十六日舉行。 •學院獲田長霖科技創新基金慨捐二百萬港元,資助一項英 語敎師拔尖計劃,另獲新法書院校監王定一先生慨捐一百 萬港元,資助「明日創意領袖發展計劃」。 • 「每日一篇」計劃今年共招收五百餘間學校為會員,平均每 天錄得約十二萬名中、小學生在網上完成當天的閲讀及測 試習作。 「亞太區敎育素質及均等機會比較:學生能力國除評估計劃給我們甚麽 啟示?」國除會議 專注力失調講座 Lecture on Attention Deficit Disorder 學術發展 Academic Development 31
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