Annual Report 1999–2000
研究 52 RESEARC H 5 . 生物識别及智能卡保安系統 計箅機科學與工程學系蒙耀生敎授及其學生吳嘉龍先生, 開發了一套特別適用於電子商貿的保安系統。該系統於二零 零零年五月轉移予本地一個規模龐大的電子集圑,由其附屬 公司專貴經營及推廣。這項研究由香港特區政府和工業界 合辦的資訊科技創業培訓計劃資助。該計劃的目的是鼓勵本 地的高新科技發展。 6 . 無線個人數碼助理 電子工程學系黎建宇敎授發明的無線個人數碼助理,獲一群 企業家垂青,合組成立一間新公司(名為 CyberEngineering Company L i m i t e d ) , 取得發展該產品的權利。這是科技 轉 移的典型例子——由投資者成立一間新公司以發展大學發明 的科技,從中為社會增加就業機會及促進經濟繁榮。 4. An Associative Chinese Search Engine — MoLi & ANSeRS ® Prof. Wo n g Wing-shing of Department of Information Engineering and his team first developed M o L i & ANSeRS ® in 1996 . The technology w o n the Ho ng Ko ng Awards for Industry in 1997 , an d a US Patent on the technology was granted in May 2000. Du r i ng the period, the search engine generated substantial commercial interest and was licenced to both local and international licensees. 5. Biometric and SmartCard Security System Developed by Prof. Mo on Y i u Sang and his research student M r. N g Ka Lung, this security system is specifically designed to address public concern on e-commerce security. I n May 2000, the syste m was licensed to a local electronic giant which established a company dedicated to the developmen t of this technology. The project was partly supported by the Information Technology Entrepreneurs Association, an initiative of the H K S AR government and local industry to nurture the development of high technology. 6. Wireless Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) This brainchild of Prof . Albert La i of the Department of Electronic Engineering attracted the investment of a group of entrepreneurs in the establishment of the company 'CyberEngineering Company Limited', which w i ll focus on the development of Prof. Lai's Wireless Personal Digital Assistant. This spin-off company is a fine example of technology transfer whereby companies are forme d based on technologies of the University, thus creating employmen t opportunities and boosting the loca l economy. 吳嘉龍先生展示他的發明 Mr. Ng Ka Lung showing his invention
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