Annual Report 1999–2000
研究 50 RESEARC H 上圖:中大與創念分子科技有限公司簽約。左二起:創念主席兼行政總裁張俊 勇先生、中大硏究及科技事務處主任葉顏文慧女士、生物化學系王駿敎 授。 下圖:香港特別行政區行政長官董建華先生參觀中醫中藥硏究所的工展會攤 位,品嚐三冬茶®。 Above: An agreement being reached between the University and Molecular Technology Innomed Limited (MTI). From left 2: Mr. Thomas Cheng, chairman and chief executive officer of MTI; Mrs. Alice Yip, director of RTAO; Prof. Jim Wang of the Department of Biochemistry. Below: Mr. Tung Chee Hwa, the Chief Executive of HKSAR, tasting Trilex® at the 2000 Hong Kong Products Expo 3 . 三冬茶® 三冬茶®屬於經科學研製的新一代涼茶飲料,由中醫學院 江潤祥敎授和胡秀英博士,以及生物系關海山敎授研製, 獲工業署工業支援基金及同治堂(國際)有限公司贊助。大 學已授權後者生產及銷售三冬茶®。 4 . 茉莉之窗®中文搜索器 茉莉之窗®由訊息工程學系黃永成敎授的研究小組於一九九 六年發明,贏得翌年的香港工業獎之優異獎證書,另於二零 零零年五月獲授美國專利。期間校方授權多間本地及海外 科技公司將該技術應用於商業網站內,取得不少收益。 1. Parallel Polynucleotide Sequencing Method Developed b y Prof. W o n g Wing-hung , this technology obtained a US patent i n August 1999. Subsequently, a wo r l d - r e n own ed US biotechnology company, A f f y m e t r ix Co r p o r a t i o n , was granted the licence of this massively parallel D N A sequencing technology for commercial use. A f f y m e t r ix i s k n o w n to the industry by its GeneChip technology, a unique p l a t f o rm w h i c h the company intends to establish as the pre-eminent product for acquiring, analysing , and managing complex genetic i n f o r ma t i o n. 2. Polymerase Chain Reaction — Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Test for the Authentication of Traditional Chinese Medicines Developed b y Prof. J un Wang, Prof. P.C. Shaw, Prof. Paul But, and Ms. F . N. N g an of the Department of Biochemistry, this technolog y employs molecular approaches t o authenticate Chinese medicinal materials. A US Patent was issued i n Ma r ch 1999. T he technology was then licensed to a local biotechnology company, Molecular Technology I n n omed L i m i t e d. 3. Trilex® (三冬茶 ®) — An Over-the-counter Chinese Herbal Pharmaceutical Product Trilex® was j o i n t ly developed b y Prof. K o n g Y u n Cheung and D r . H u Shiu Y i n g of the School of Chinese Medicine and Prof. K w a n H o i Shan of the Department of Biochemistry w i t h support f r o m the Industrial Suppor t F u nd and T o n g Z h i T o n g (International) L i m i t e d. It is one of the first Chinese Herbal medicine products based o n local medicinal plants and backed u p b y laboratory research. T he f o r mu l a t i on and manufacture protocols of Trilex® were licensed t o T o n g Z h i T o n g (International) L i m i t ed f or commercial use.
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