Vice-Chancellor's Report 1985-87
Donor(s) Amount (i n HK$ unles s otherwise stated ) Particulars ART AN D ANTIQUE S (Cont'd ) Dr. Kwa n Ka Ko n One octagona l morta r i n gree n glaz e wit h incise d floral design , Yu e ware , Fiv e dynasties/N . Son g dynasty. One larg e covere d bo x i n gree n glaze with combe d design, Guangdong ware, N. Son g dynasty . One jarle t i n gree n glaz e wit h thre e loop s an d moulded drago n design , Longqua n ware , Yua n dynasty. Kwong Fa t Hon g One piece of gold foi l with decoration . Mr. La i Lo y One bow l i n gree n glaz e wit h duc k an d wave s pattern, Yaozhou ware , Son g dynasty . Professor Li u Chin g Po Four roll s of Chines e calligraphy . Dr. & Mrs . K.S . L o Eight set s o f porcelai n fro m th e Nankin g Carg o for th e Art Gallery . Nanjing Universit y An artificia l green stone tablet . Dr. th e Hon . W . Szet o Donation o f a sculptur e wit h associate d landscaping work a t the University Square . Mr. Wan g Zong Ya n Four leave s o f “Biograph y o f Kan g Youwei " wit h vermilion comment s by Zhan g Yuanj i Mr. Xi e Wenyon g Painting of fis h by Xi e Wenyong, modern . Mr. X u Hengbi n Two rubbing s o f Son g an d Yua n dynastie s carve d in th e portrait o f th e Sixt h Patriarch, modern . BOOKS Mr. Ch a Chi-ming an d Mr. Li u Yong-lin g 1,200,000 Donation fo r th e establishmen t o f th e “Professo r C.N. Yan g Readin g Room ” i n th e Scienc e Centr e and th e acquisitio n o f Physic s book collection s fo r the Department o f Physics . Mr. William Cheun g Three volumes o f Confucius' Analects . Chinese Writers Association , Shanghai Branch on behalf o f Dr. B a Ji n 60 volumes of "G u Pe n Xi Qu Cong Kan” . Collections Bau r A volume o f th e book "Bau r Collection , Geneva” . The Foundation fo r Theologica l Education i n Southeas t Asi a 3,896 Donation fo r th e purchase of theologica l books . Fong Sh u Fook Ton g Foundatio n Mr. Fon g Yun Wa h Glaxo Hon g Kong Ltd . 970 volumes of 《叢書集成》 Several books an d one wooden sculpture . Two volume s o f textbook s entitle d “Antibioti c Therapy i n Clinica l Practice ” an d “Oxfor d Textbook of Clinica l Pharmacology an d Drug Therapy " for th e Department o f Microbiology . Government o f Alberta, Canad a Three volume se t of "Th e Canadia n Encyclopedia". Hong Kong Publishers an d Distributors Associatio n 23 volumes of Chines e books . Dr. Y.F . Kon g 1,155 volume s o f book s t o th e Schoo l o f Educa - tion. Ms. S.L . Le e 105 volume s o f book s t o th e Schoo l of Education . 179
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