Annual Report 2003–04
Contract-end Merit Award Scheme To give incentive and recognition to fixed-term contract non-teaching staff members who consistently render excellent service, the University implemented a Contract-end Merit Award Scheme in 2004. Under this scheme, which is open to full-time non-teaching staff members on fixed- term contracts of one year or longer, a cash award is granted to staff members based on performance and merit at the end of their contracts, subject to budget affordability. Employee Assistance Programme The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), introduced in December 2003, promotes employee well-being with a view to building up a productive and healthy workforce which will continue to be effective contributors to the University's goals. EAP includes employee development seminars and training programmes, such as stress and change management, parenting, and EQ, all aimed at equipping staff members with the ability to meet new challenges and maintain a healthy balance between life and work. New Personnel Policies, Services, and Conditions of Service The University reviewed and rationalized its conditions of service and personnel practice. The length of qualifying service of fixed-term contract staff members for contract-end gratuity was standardized at two years. The relevant regulations on part-time teaching were revised to encourage teaching for high-level courses that are strategic to the University. The Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme is extended to June 2008. The University also has plans to introduce a pilot scheme of Network (Private) Hospitals under the Staff Medical Benefits Schemes with a view to availing scheme members the convenience of using the facilities of the private sector while maintaining the University's level of spending on staff medical benefits at an affordable level. 合約期終獎賞酬金計劃 大學在二零零四年推行合約期終獎賞酬金計劃, 以表揚及鼓勵工作表現優秀的全職非敎學僱員。 在同一份合約期內服務滿一年或以上的合約僱 員,只要所服務的部門經費許可,將可按工作表 現獲得獎勵性質的獎賞酬金。 僱員輔助計劃 大學由二零零三年十二月起,推出「僱員輔助計 劃」,提升僱員個人的生活素質,從而組成健康 高效的大學工作團隊,為中大的目標作出積極貢 獻。 該計劃亦舉辦員工個人效能發展課程,例如壓力 管理課程、管理轉變課程、親子敎育課程、情緒 智能課程等,以增強員工面對新挑戰的能力,在 工作和生活上取得身心平衡。 其他人事政策與服務條件 大學亦檢討了多項人事政策,將可獲發放約滿酬 金的服務年期劃一為兩年,又修訂兼任敎學服務 規則,以鼓勵有利大學發展策略的高層次課程的 敎學活動。在僱員醫療服務方面,延長現行的 「校外門診服務計劃」四年,直到二零零八年六 月;並試行「網絡(私家)醫院計劃」,在大學有 能力負擔的前提下,讓「僱員醫療福利計劃」的成 員彈性地選用住院的醫療福利。 教職員 staff 65
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