Annual Report 2003–04
生科院與生機無限國際有限公司合作研製的中藥保健產品 Six NutriGreen™products were produced in collaboration with Green Science International Ltd. 中藥產品下游開發及科研中心的膠囊鋁塑包裝貯存設施 ProcesDevelopment and Manufacturing Facility for Chinese Medicine: capsules blistered for better storage facility is the only pilot production plant built in compliance with the current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements for Hong Kong, Australia, and mainland China. HKIB has established over 16 major industrial collaborations in Chinese medicine product and formulation development. HKIB was appointed by the Innovation Technology Commission as the local coordinator of a consortium to develop monograph guidelines for the standardization and certification of Chinese medicine. The consortium was formed by four local universities — CUHK, HKBU, HKU and HKUST, and international institutions such as MIT and the University of North Carolina. HKIB also developed a series of Chinese medicine-based health supplement products with local company Green Science International Ltd., including NutriGreen Cordyceps/Ganoderma (Lingzhi) 'Lung Care' Formula, which have been designed to improve respiratory and lung functioning. The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business (APIB) extends teaching and research of the Faculty of Business Administration to the business community. In 2003-4, APIB organized a series of in-company executive programmes, seminars and workshops on finance, human resources, management and marketing for local and mainland corporations. Its seminar on 'Moving Towards Virtual Supply Chain Management' kept supply chain practitioners updated on the latest developments in logistics. 生科院在創新科技署的支持下,創辦了設備先進 的中藥產品下游開發及科硏中心,是全港唯一符 合藥品生產質量管理規範標準的中試生產中心, 能夠把中藥材提煉成各種固體製劑,並建立了超 過十六個實證為本工業科硏合作項目。 該院又獲創新科技署委任統籌香港的中藥標準化 硏究組織,組織成員包括香港中文大學、香港浸 會大學、香港大學、香港科技大學、麻省理工學 院、北卡羅萊納大學等,負責專題發表中藥的標 準化資料和認受方式。 生科院亦與商業機構「生機無限國際有限公司」合 作,發展以中草藥為本的生物科技健康產品,率 先推出市場的產品是「綠養坊蟲草靈芝補肺專 方」,用以防治空氣污染引致的呼吸系統及肺部 疾病。 另一方面,亞太工商硏究所致力為各大企業提供 行政培訓、硏究及顧問服務,務求把中大商學院 的卓越敎硏成果回饋工商界。是年舉辦了不少行 政培訓課程、座談會及硏討班,內容涉及財務 學、人力資源管理、管理學、市場學等課題。而 「供應鏈管理:邁向虛擬時代」座談會,更為香港 業界介紹物流管理的最新發展。 服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 61
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