Annual Report 2009–10
61 教 職 員 Staff Other New Personnel Policies, Services, and Conditions of Service Revised Review Committee Structure There used to be various review committees at the department, faculty and university levels, some formed on an ad hoc basis, for different personnel processes. With a view to streamlining the staff review mechanism, and to formalizing and strengthening the department-level and faculty-level processes under the leadership of the department chairmen and the Faculty Deans, standing review committees, with membership known, have been set up at the department, faculty and university levels. These include the Department Academic Personnel Committee, Faculty Academic Personnel Committee and University Academic Personnel Committee, established for the first time in 2009–10. Staff Training and Development As its adopted policy, the University encourages staff members to enhance their knowledge and skills through continuous learning to meet ever-changing job demands. During the year, staff development programmes and grants, support for conference attendance, reimbursement of training expenses, etc. were awarded as usual, benefiting over 6,000 staff members. The programmes and grants were organized, administered and conducted through the Personnel Office, the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research and the Information Technology Services Centre. 二零零八至零九年度共有八人獲頒員工優異服務獎 Eight staff members were honoured Exemplary Service Award in 2008–09 其他人事政策、服務與服務條件 新評審委員會架構 大學、學院及學系過往以常設或專設的評 審委員會負責各項人事審議。為簡化人事 評審機制,並規範及強化由院長及系主任 領導有關評審,大學於二零零九至一零年 度首度成立常設的各級評審委員會,包括 大學教學人員人事委員會、學院教學人員 人事委員會及學系教學人員人事委員會。 教職員培訓及發展 大學一向鼓勵教職員持續進修,以應付社 會變遷帶來的工作新挑戰。二零零九至一 零年度,大學一如既往為教職員提供不同 種類的培訓課程、進修計劃獎學金、會議 補助金及進修津貼等,由人事處、學能提 升研究中心或資訊科技服務處策劃、統籌 及推行,受惠員工逾六千人次。
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