Annual Report 2009–10
59 教 職 員 Staff 教職員 Staff Staff Population The staff population continued to grow in the year under review in synchronicity with the development of the University, increasing by 2% to 6,622 in 2009–10. There were a total of 2,614 teaching and research staff members. Of the 1,436 teaching staff, two- thirds were aged between 30 and 50. Close to 90% of the professoriate staff members possess academic qualifications outside Hong Kong, including in Australia, Canada, mainland China, New Zealand, the UK, the US, Southeast Asia, and other European countries. Staff Recruitment and Profile A new page has started in the leadership of the University. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung assumed office as the University’s seventh Vice-Chancellor on 1 July 2010. Prof. Benjamin W. Wah took up appointment as the first Provost of the University. Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan became Head of Shaw College, succeeding Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, and three College Masters were appointed to lead three new Colleges, namely, 教職員人數 配合大學發展,在二零零九至一零年度, 教職員數目持續增長,總人數為六千 六百二十二人,較去年增加百分之二。 教學及研究人員佔二千六百一十四人。在 一千四百三十六名教學人員中,約三分二 年齡介乎三十至五十歲。接近九成教學人 員具非本地學歷,包括澳洲、加拿大、中 國內地、新西蘭、英國、美國、東南亞和其 他歐洲國家。 教職員聘任與概况 大學領導層展開了新的一頁。沈祖堯教授 於二零一零年七月一日履新為大學第七任 校長。華雲生教授受聘為大學首任常務副 校長。陳志輝教授接替沈祖堯教授為逸 夫書院院長。大學並委任三位教授出掌三 所新書院,分別為和聲書院院長劉允怡教 授、伍宜孫書院候任院長李沛良教授,以 及敬文書院候任院長楊綱凱教授。此外, 二零零九至一零年度全職教職員職別/職級分布 Distribution of Full-time Staff by Job Types/Grades 2009–10 總人數 Total : 6,622 高級導師、導師及其他 Senior Instructor, Instructor and Others 480 (33.4%) 助理教授 Assistant Professor 279 (19.4%) 副教授 Associate Professor 244(17.0%) 教授 Professor 433 (30.2%) 職工 Junior Support 1,112 (16.8%) 研究 Research 1,178 (17.8%) 文書 Office Support 1,406 (21.2%) 專業 Professional 349 (5.3%) 行政 Administrative 491 (7.4%) 技術 Technical 650 (9.8%) 教學 Teaching 1,436 (21.7%) 註: 以二零一零年六月三十日計算 Note : Figures as at 30 June 2010
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