Annual Report 2009–10
44 經濟與金融 Economics and Finance 地球信息與地球科學 Geoinformation and Earth Sciences in the internet, wireless communications, information security, data storage, and bioinformatics. Introduced in the late 1990s, the fundamental concept of network coding has brought about a paradigm shift in data transport by allowing for the combination and processing of data along the way. In a nutshell, network coding makes network communications (e.g., the internet) more efficient, reliable, robust, and secure. 「資本化中國」 國際研討會 IEF-NBER Capitalizing China Conference 經濟及金融研究所和美國國家經濟研究局於二零零九年十二月十五至十六日合辦 「資本化中國」國際研討會,集合世界頂尖專家,研究在迅速增長的中國經濟體系內 資本的積累和分配的成因與後果。 中國經濟正迅速增長,很明顯種種問題亦隨之而生。資本的積累和分配對中國經濟 增長無疑是至關重要,而未能有效地提高資本運用的效率,將是經濟持續增長的障 礙。研討會邀請了著名專家從中國的金融發展、企業融資及公共財政等不同角度,探 討中國資本與經濟成長的核心問題。 The Institute of Economics and Finance (IEF) and National Bureau of Economics Research (NBER) held the IEF-NBER Capitalizing China Conference on 15 and 16 December 2009, bringing together world class experts to study the accumulation and allocation of capital in the rapidly growing Chinese economy. Coming with the rapid growth of China are increasingly evident growing pains. The accumulation and allocation of capital is unquestionably central to the growth, and inefficiencies in the raising and use of capital are key impediments to fuller and smoother growth. To tackle the core problems of China’s capital and economic growth, the conference invited leading experts on China’s financial development, corporate finance, and public finance to share their views. 青藏鐵路沿線地表形變監測研究 Integrated Model for Monitoring Qinghai–Tibet Railway Deformations 青藏鐵路橫跨五百五十公里長年凍土,為了保證運營安全,必須緊密監測其路基的 地表形變。全球衞星定位系統(GPS)和雷達差分干涉觀測能提供毫米級地表形變 信息,但這兩種技術在應用到監測青藏鐵路時都面臨困難。由於鐵路的長度,以定 點GPS技術在其上獲取高密度信息,成本非常高昂。至於雷達差分干涉技術在應用 於監測鐵路這類線狀目標時,可靠性仍待驗證。 中大太空與地球信息科學研究所的研究隊伍提出一種集合雷達差分干涉和GPS技 術優點的新模型,加強了雷達差分干涉技術對線狀地物的分析能力,並加入GPS形 變信息,提高準確度。新技術能及早發現災前形變,提出預警,有助減免災害。 The monitoring of surface deformations along the Qinghai–Tibet railway, which runs through a 550-km stretch of permafrost, is of crucial importance in ensuring its safe operation. Both DInSAR and GPS observations are capable of providing ground deformation measurements up to millimetric accuracy. But these two technologies are faced with challenges in monitoring the Qinghai–Tibet railway. Given the great length of the railway, the use of the point-based GPS observation to monitor the railway and obtain reasonably high density data is extremely costly. And the capability of DInSAR techniques in monitoring linear-based features is questionable. The researchers of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science of CUHK developed a new model which combines the advantages of DInSAR and GPS techniques for deformation monitoring of large-scale man-made linear features like the Qinghai–Tibet railway. The conventional DInSAR method was enhanced for the analysis of linear geometric features. And selected GPS-derived deformations were incorporated into the model to enhance monitoring accuracy. With this new model, early warnings of structural damages are possible to avoid or mitigate the consequences of potential natural disasters.
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