Annual Report 2009–10

42 計算機科學與工程學系系主任呂自成教授 獲全球兩大工程學國際權威組織─計算 機器學會和電機及電子工程師學會─推 選為院士,表揚他在儲存和通訊系統及 點對點網絡的效能建模及分析上的非凡 成就。 歷史學系梁其姿教授獲台灣教育部頒授 第五十三屆學術獎(人文及藝術類科), 她亦獲得台灣中央研究院推選為院士(人 文及社會科學組),表揚其傑出的學術成 就。 生物系姜里文教授以「植物液泡前體及內 涵體的分子鑒定」項目獲「國家教育部二 零零九年度高等學校科學研究優秀成果 獎」自然科學獎。系統工程及工程管理學 系的蒙美玲教授則憑研究項目「多模態的 多語種語音、語言交互的研究與應用」獲 得科技進步獎。 夏克青教授 Prof. Xia Keqing Academic Honours Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Distinguished Professor- at-Large and Master of Morningside College of CUHK, was awarded a Royal Medal 2009 by The Royal Society of Edinburgh for his outstanding contributions to economic theory which has had global impact on economic development. Prof. Christopher H.K. Cheng of the School of Biomedical Sciences and Prof. Xia Keqing of the Physics Department have won the second-class awards of the 2009 State Natural Science Award. Professor Cheng was honoured for his project ‘Composition Analysis of Certain Medicinally Important Plants’, in collaboration with Prof. R.X. Tan and Prof. L.D. Kong of Nanjing University, and Prof. R.L. Zheng and Prof. Z.J. Jia of Lanzhou University. Professor Xia was honoured for his ‘Experimental Studies of Turbulent Thermal Convection’. Prof. Lui Chi-shing John, chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, has been elected a fellow by two prestigious engineering organizations, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), in recognition of his extraordinary contributions to stochastic analysis of parallel storage and communication systems. Prof. Leung Ki-che Angela, professor in the Department of History, was selected for the 53rd (2009) Academic Award (Liberal Arts Category) by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. She was also elected as Academician (Division of Humanities and Social Sciences) of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan for her remarkable academic achievements. In the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards 2009 established under the Ministry of Education, Prof. Jiang Liwen from the Department of Biology was awarded the Natural Science Award for his project ‘Molecular Characterization of Plant Prevacuolar and Endosomal Compartments’, and Prof. Meng Mei-ling Helen from the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management was awarded the Technology Progress Award for ‘Multimodal User Interactions with Multilingual Speech and Language Technologies—Research and Applications’. 鄭漢其教授 Prof. Christopher H.K. Cheng 姜里文教授 Prof. Jiang Liwen