Annual Report 2008–09
85 捐 贈 、 財 務 與 賬 目 Donations, Finance and Accounts 資產負債表 Balance Sheet 二零零九年六月三十日 as at 30 June 2009 (以港幣千元列示) (Expressed in thousands of Hong Kong dollars) 8,977,926 6,989,956 1,987,970 8,977,926 31,680 3,396,675 2,534,105 20,253 5,982,713 2,180,354 245,828 161,899 4,133,278 6,721,359 564,846 255,150 100,336 406,687 1,232,019 5,394,340 11,377,053 217,862 58,777 184,063 460,702 1,938,425 Non-Current Assets Investments in Subsidiaries Fixed Assets Investments Employee Retirement Benefit Assets Current Assets Investments Staff Loans Accounts Receivable and Prepayments Cash and Short-term Deposits with Banks Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accruals Provision of Employee Benefits Loans and Borrowings Deferred Income Net Current Assets Total Assets Less Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Provision of Employee Benefits Loans and Borrowings Deferred Income Deferred Capital Funds Net Assets Restricted Funds Other Funds Total Funds 非流動資產 於附屬公司的投資 固定資產 投資 僱員退休福利資產 流動資產 投資 教職員貸款 應收帳款及預付款項 現金及銀行短期存款 流動負債 應付帳款及應計費用 僱員福利準備 借款 遞延收益 流動資產淨值 總資產減流動負債 非流動負債 僱員福利準備 借款 遞延收益 資產淨值 專用基金 其他基金 遞延資產基金 基金總額 2009 2008 9,637,700 7,398,981 2,238,719 9,637,700 21,930 3,251,141 3,148,986 18,944 6,441,001 3,032,208 225,340 192,969 3,299,254 6,749,771 454,935 294,231 100,813 457,838 1,307,817 5,441,954 11,882,955 218,164 77,114 111,406 406,684 1,838,571
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