Annual Report 2008–09

79 捐 贈 、 財 務 與 賬 目 Donations, Finance and Accounts Donations Since its founding, CUHK has owed much of its advancement to the staunch support of alumni, friends and the community at large. Their benevolence has enabled the University to scale further heights of excellence. The University is grateful to all benefactors for their generous support. CUHK organized for the second time the four-week- long Caring Alumni Donation Scheme—Phone Campaign in July 2009. A total of 43 current students were recruited as ambassadors to make phone calls to some 2,000 alumni who graduated in the 1990s to introduce the latest developments of the University and encourage them to support their alma mater. Over half of the alumni approached were willing to support the University and HK$3.3 million was raised. Some 60 Shaw alumni and friends made a special trip back to campus for the Shaw College Alumni Day to take part in an ‘All-in-a-Bus’ fundraising activity in support of the development of the College. 捐贈 自創校以來,蒙校友及社會各界友好的不 斷支持,大學得以迭續新峰。善長慷慨捐 獻,大學同人銘記於心。 中大於二零零九年七月開展第二次「校 友關懷捐貲計劃—Phone中關懷」活動, 招募了四十三位學生大使,在四個星期內 致電二千多位大部分於九十年代畢業的 校友,介紹大學近況,同時呼籲他們支持 母校。逾半聯絡上的校友承諾捐貲,帶來 三百三十萬元的捐獻。此外,六十多名逸 夫書院校友及友好,在書院校友日回校, 以「迫巴士」替書院籌款,支持書院發展。 「迫巴士」為逸夫書院籌款 'All-in-a-Bus' to raise fund for Shaw College 「Phone中關懷」的學生大使在聯絡校友 Ambassodors of the Phone Campaign calling the alumni 敬父愛校,玉成杏林承傳 Alumnus Helps Chinese Medicine Students 一九九零年畢業的林強,離校後長駐北京工作,較少得聞中大發 展,故此,當他收到學生大使來電講述母校近況,特別感到親切。 主修生物、從事資訊科技的林強,一直有心捐助學弟妹,尤其是 希望支持唸中醫的學生。原來林強的父親是中醫師,他自小就得 知中醫發展荊棘滿途。因此,他以父親之名成立「林維錶中醫師 獎學金」,每年頒贈兩項一萬元的獎學金予該課程成績優秀的學 生,為期三年。 Since graduating in 1990, Mr. Lam Keung has worked in Beijing and lived a life far removed from his alma mater. But the feeling of closeness was rekindled when an ambassador phoned him to give him the University’s latest news. Though a major in biology with a job in the IT field, Mr.Lam had long hoped to help the students of the CUHK Chinese medicine programme. Since his father was a Chinese medicine practitioner, Mr. Lam understood that the development of Chinese medicine has been fraught with difficulties. Hence he set up the Mr. Lam Waibiu Scholarships in the name of his father for three years. Each year two students with excellent academic performance will receive HK$10,000 each.