Annual Report 2008–09
49 服 務 香 港 放 眼 世 界 Services to Hong Kong and the World 源於黃土的建築 School Rooted in Loess Plateau 毛寺小學的毛騰旭校長讚嘆說:「雖 然冬季嚴寒,但在這所新學校,不再 需要燒煤來取暖,省下來的錢可以 為孩子們多買一些書了。」 在生態環境惡劣、氣候嚴峻、資源 貧乏的甘肅省黃土高原,中大團隊 不但為二百多名學童締造了一個 舒適愉悅的校園環境,而且由於採 用本土技術建造,大量僱用當地村 民施工,從而鼓勵了他們重新認識 自己的傳統和價值,自食其力改善 生活。這種符合可持續發展原則的 環保建校模式,獲國家住房和城鄉 建設部採用,成為甘肅省內學校的 建築範例,望可推廣至更多國內農 村,促進國家的可持續發展。 (設計詳情見第四十七頁) Impressed and pleased, Mr. Mao Tengxu, headmaster of Maosi Primary School said, ‘Our winter is extremely cold. But in this new school, not a single piece of coal was burnt to keep warm. We can save the money for books.’ On the loess plateau of Gansu pro- vince characterized by fragile ecological and extreme climatic conditions, and a lack of resources, a CUHK research team created a comfortable learning environment for over 200 kids. Since local villagers were employed to carry out the simple traditional building procedures, this project succeeded in helping villagers to achieve self-actualization, rediscover the heritage and improve their living. The architecture model has been adopted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to serve as a design reference for schools in Gansu. Hopefully it will be promoted to more villages on the mainland, hence enhancing sustainable development in China. (design details on p.47) Serving the Community Achievements and Recognition Three CUHK members have been selected for the Second Hong Kong Humanity Award co-organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross and Radio Television Hong Kong. Prof. Leung Ping-chung (1st left), Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology has rendered his service to the needy in poverty-stricken regions many times. Operation Concern, a voluntary medical rehabilitation team which he set up in 1993, has treated more than 15,000 patients in mainland China. Prof. Wong Chi-sang Martin (2nd left), associate professor in the School of Public Health, has been active in voluntary services for 20 years, serving chronically-ill patients and vulnerable groups. Dr. Fan Ning (2nd right), Year 3 part-time student of the MBA programme in Health Care, has joined a number of Hong Kong Red Cross relief operations around the world as a professional medical volunteer. Prof. Chan Hsiao-chang (1st right), Li Ka Shing Professor of Physiology and director of the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre at CUHK, was conferred the Life Science Award of the 2007 Cheung Kong Achievement Award. Professor Chan is the third CUHK scholar to have won this prestigious accolade in three consecutive years. Professor Chan is a leading authority in epithelial cell-related multidisciplinary research and has contributed significantly to a number of important discoveries which provide lead to the development of new strategies for diagnosis and treatment of infertility, and for contraception. Designed by a team led by Prof. Edward Ng of the Department of Architecture, the Maosi Ecological Demonstration Primary School received a number of international honours, including the 2009 RIBA International Award, the Commendation in the learning category of the World Architecture Festival, and the Best Architecture Award at the First China Architecture Media Award. 服務社會 成就與讚譽 三位中大師生獲頒香港紅十字會及香港電 台合辦的第二屆香港人道年獎。 矯型外科創傷學榮休講座教授梁秉中 (左一)屢赴貧瘠地方提供醫療服務,他 在一九九三年組織的志願醫療康復隊「關 懷行動」,至今已診治超過一萬五千名國內 同胞。公共衞生學院副教授黃至生(左二) 參與義務工作二十年,關懷長期病患者及 弱勢社群。工商管理碩士(醫療)兼讀制課 程三年級生范寧醫生(右二)多次以專業義 工的身分,參與香港紅十字會在世界各地的 救援工作。 醫學院李嘉誠生理學講座教授兼上皮細胞 生物學研究中心主任陳小章(右一)獲頒授二 零零七年度「長江學者成就獎」的「生命科學 獎」,是三年內獲此殊榮的第三位中大學者。 陳教授為上皮細胞相關的跨學科研究權威 學者,她的多項突破性科學發現,推動了不育 的診斷及治療,以及避孕法的新發現。 建築學院吳恩融教授率領團隊設計的「毛 寺生態實驗小學」,獲多項國際獎譽,計 有:英國皇家建築師學會二零零九年國際年 獎,世界建築節學校類別嘉許作品,以及首 屆中國建築傳媒獎「最佳建築獎」。
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