Annual Report 2008–09
47 研 究 Research 理學院 Faculty of Science 大亞灣中微子振盪研究 The Daya Bay Neutrino Oscillation Experiment 中微子具質量及會振盪,亦即中微子在運行時會轉換形態,是物理學界新近一項突破 性發現,為物理學在粒子物理標準模型外,開拓另一新領域,亦為宇宙間物質支配反 物質這現象提供了線索,所以對粒子物理學、宇宙學和天體物理學的研究可說影響深 遠。然而,用以描述微中子振盪的參數 σ 1 13數值仍是未解之謎,要量度該數值,最理想 的方法是量度不同地方核子反應爐中反微中子的流量。一隊由國際物理學家組成的研 究隊伍,選定大亞灣核電子廠為研究目標,中大理學院的研究員及學生亦參與其中,並 獲研資局協作研究金於二零零八年撥款港幣九百萬元。此計劃使理學院員生有機會與 世界各地研究機構建立長遠合作關係。 One of the most dramatic recent breakthroughs in physics is the discovery that neutrinos have mass and oscillate (i.e., a neutrino travelling in space transforms from one type to another). This fact has profound implications for particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics, as it opens the door to physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics and may hold the key to explaining why matter dominates anti-matter in the universe, a key condition for our existence. However, the value of a key parameter to describe neutrino oscillation, σ 1 13 , remains unknown. The best approach for determining this is to measure the flux of antineutrinos from nuclear reactors at different locations, with the detectors installed underground to suppress the cosmogenic background. An international team of physicists has decided to mount such an experiment at the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, and a team of CUHK researchers and students from the Faculty of Science has been involved in this project since its inception, supported by a grant of HK$9 million from the RGC Collaborative Research Fund in 2008. The project offers the Faculty of Science the opportunity to build long-term collaboration with leading research institutes around the world. 毛寺生態實驗小學 Maosi Ecological Demonstration Primary School 甘肅省毛寺村位於黃土高原,偏遠貧困,經濟與技術水平落後,學生只能在窯洞或簡 陋的單層土房子內上課。建築學系吳恩融教授率領學生團隊,努力多年研究出一個適 合於當地發展現狀的生態建築模式。這個項目包括現狀調研與分析、模擬實驗,以及設 計與施工三個階段,借鑑當地傳統窯洞建築的生態元素,以創造舒適的室內環境、盡 量減低能耗和環境污染、造價低廉、施工簡便為原則,配合TAS軟件進行電腦熱學模 擬實驗,考慮日照和通風因素,充分利用土坯、茅草和蘆葦等就地取材的自然物料的蓄 熱、絕熱性能與可再生性,由村民用農村常用的手工具以傳統建造技術施工,建造出冬 暖夏涼的校舍。這個「高科學、低技術」的創新環保設計,成本遠低於常規建築,成功 示範兼顧生態及社經因素,並符合可持續發展原則的建築項目,在二零零八及二零零 九年獲得多項獎譽。(另見四十九頁) In the remote and impoverished village of Maosi, Gansu province, schools are either housed in loess caves or in simple single-storey brick huts. Prof. Edward Ng of the Department of Architecture and his students have worked for years to develop an ecological architecture model in tune with the local context to improve the learning environment of the students. The project comprised the stages of condition analyses, computer simulation experiments, and design and field construction. Condition analyses deduced that thermal design for this region is the most effective approach towards ecological architecture, and both design and construction should follow these principles: comfortable indoor ambience, cost- effectiveness, minimum embodied energy and ease of construction. With the help of TAS software in thermal simulation, and taking into consideration factors such as daylight and ventilation, the basic technique of thermal mass and insulation was strategically employed. Earth and natural materials such as mud bricks, rubble, straw and reed, mostly sourced in or around the site were used and recycled, making almost no impact on the environment. The construction inherited the local traditional means, and was carried out by villagers with simple tools. The ‘high science and low technology’, low-cost and environmental design successfully demonstrated how an architecture project can address ecological, social and economical needs and be sustainable in nature. The project has won numerous accolades in 2008 and 2009. (more on p.49) 社會科學院 Faculty of Social Science
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