Annual Report 2017–18
校長前言 Foreword by the Vice-Chancellor and President 3 對中大而言,2017至18年是碩果纍纍的一年。 大學不但秉承薈萃東西文化的傳統,其國際 聲望也不斷攀升,實踐貢獻香港的目標。 中大的五年策略計劃(2016 – 2020)勾勒出 大學未來發展的路向,本年報則記載了該計 劃中第二及第三年間的活動。縱使面臨不少 挑戰,大學仍能在許多範疇取得理想進展, 我深感欣慰,並於此向員生、校友、捐贈者, 以及其他大學友好和支持者致意。中大獲得 今天的成就,實有賴這個大家庭每一位成員 的努力。 此報告闡述中大在過去一年藉教育、研究、 社會服務及持份者參與等方面,對社會的諸 多貢獻。我們恪守全人教育的宗旨,同時亦 推出了以創新、創業為主題的嶄新課程。我 們的科研成果,每多成功轉移至各業各界、 不同領域的合作夥伴。我們於2017至18年 度所提供的社區服務,惠及廣泛的階層和團 體,包括自閉症兒童、癌症病人、手語教師、 精神病患者、需要正向教育及眼部手術治療 的學童等等。我們的教研人員在生物醫學、 法律、工程學、社會科學、人文學等各方面的 研究成績斐然,為大學贏得眾多實至名歸的 令譽。 中大踏入五十五周年校慶年,我深信大學 成員過往所建立的驕人成就及穩固基礎, 必能幫助我們勇攀新高。中大創校以來,連 年迭進,既出於精益求精的本心,也顯示我 們貢獻香江的決心。 繼往開來,讓我們回首過去一年的珍貴回憶 及成果,也為未來發展奠定根基。 香港中文大學校長 段崇智 The year 2017–18 was a very fruitful one for the University. Continuing to uphold our mission to combine the best of the East and the West, CUHK has become a world-class university with international acclaim and strong local commitments. The activities covered in this report comprise the second and third years of our five-year strategic plan (2016–2020), a roadmap outlining the future development of the University. I am delighted to report that we have made impressive progress on different fronts, in spite of many challenges. I would like to thank the staff, students, alumni, donors, friends, and other stakeholders for their strong support. As always, the success of CUHK is a tribute to all family members of the University. This report details the many contributions CUHK has made to society through education, research, and community service and engagement over the last year. In terms of education, we have carried on the legacy of whole-person education, while at the same time introducing new courses on innovation and entrepreneurship. Successful translation of research knowledge and advances to partners in both public and private sectors have been achieved in multiple fields. The community service we rendered in 2017–18 has benefited a wide spectrum of society, including autistic children, cancer patients, teachers of sign language, mental health patients, school children in need of positive education and eye surgery, and many others. From biomedical sciences and legal research to engineering, social sciences and the humanities, the research achievements of our faculty and staff have won many accolades for the University. As CUHK celebrates its 55th anniversary, I am confident that the outstanding track record and solid foundation built by the members of the University would continue to fuel our drive towards further successes. The advancements that CUHK has made throughout our history not only represent our will to pursue excellence, but also reflect our time-honoured commitment to the betterment of Hong Kong at large. We are proud to share these memorable events of the year, for they constitute an important part of the University’s success story, and the basis for strategic development in the years to come. Rocky S. Tuan Vice-Chancellor and President
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