Annual Report 2009–10
57 服 務 香 港 放 眼 世 界 Services to Hong Kong and the World 家國際流動通訊服務供應商正對這些技 術進行實地試驗。 由機械與自動化工程學系劉雲輝教授設 計的一套網絡機械手系統,於「國際資訊 科技博覽2010」中展出,吸引了大批傳媒 及業界人士的注意。該系統包括一個須 配戴在用者前臂的「表面肌電感測器」, 透過皮膚檢測肌肉收縮時所產生的微弱 電訊號,再傳送到網絡另一端的機械手 上。大學將會與香港科技園內的 WideFly Limited 高科技公司合作,將該系統商 品化。 工商管理學院的教授於去年積極帶領各 研究中心進行多項應用性的研究,為業 界和政府有關部門提供指引。相關研究 包括: • 《空運(航空服務牌照)規例》修訂 建議 • 「優化資料,突破營銷」:以石家莊為 試點的市場工程研究 • 香港設計師創業路線圖初探(個案研 究) • 中國上市公司信息披露透明度報告: 二零零七年度深交所上市公司關聯交 易信息披露透明度指數 亞太工商研究所致力為各界提供行政培 訓、研究及顧問服務。在二零零九至一零 年度,該所為多家大型企業及海外大學 如瑞信、國家發展銀行、港鐵公司,以及 荷蘭鹿特丹大學鹿特丹管理學院等舉辦 行政培訓課程、座談會及研討班。 mobile operators worldwide are also doing field testing for the technologies. The web robotic hand-in-hand system invented by Prof. Liu Yunhui of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering was exhibited at the International ICT Expo 2010 and drew much attention of the media and the industry. The system consists of a surface electromyography sensor attached to the user’s forearm to detect the feeble electric signals generated during muscle contraction through the user’s skin. The system will be commercialized by WideFly Limited. Various research centres led by faculty members of the Faculty of Business Administration have conducted applied research which has important implications for the local community and mainland China. Highlights of these research projects included: • ‘Responses to Proposals Arising from Review of Air Transport (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations (Cap 448 sub. leg. A)’ • ‘Data Engineering Project with Shijiazhuang Post Office’ • ‘Initial Study on the Roadmap for Design Entrepreneur in Hong Kong—A Case Research Approach’ • ‘China Transparency Report: Related Party Transactions Index—Firms Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange 2007’ APIB supports the business community and the academia in the form of executive training, research and consultancy services, by building on the teaching and research excellence of the Faculty of Business Administration. In 2009–10, the institute organized a series of executive programmes, seminars and workshops for a variety of corporations and universities overseas, such as Credit Suisse, China Development Bank, MTRC and Rotterdam School of Management of Erasmus University. 劉雲輝教授 Prof. Liu Yunhui 李耀斌教授 Prof. Lee Yiu-bun Jack
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