Annual Report 1998-99
o 由物理系劉煥明敎授、化學系郭偉民敎授及電子工程學系 魏爾遜敎授 ( Prof. I.H. Wilson) 合力建立的表面及材料分析 中心——該中心為本地工業界提供專家諮詢服務,解決疑難。 o 由生理學系譚兆祥敎授開發的藥物改良技術——該技術可延 長干擾素與其他藥物的半衰期,並減少它們在活的有機體中 的免疫反應,引起商界垂注。 o The technology for modifying and stabilizing interferon and other protein molecules to extend their half-life and reduce their immune response in vivo, developed by Prof. Michael Tarn of the Department of Physiology, has attracted commercial interest. 申請專利權及合約/特許使用活動累積項數 Cumulative Figures on Patent and Contract/Licensing Activities * 數字包括臨時存案。臨時存案一旦變成正式的專利權申請,亦只會作一項申請計算。 Figures include mere provisional filings. Where a provisional filing i s followed by a full application, they are counted as one. 研究 Research 46
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