Annual Report 1998-99
特許使用及合約 早在香港特別行政區政府強調科技轉移之先,本校已有多項硏 究成果成功轉移予工商界,回饋社會;雖然從合約和特許使 用取得的收益日益增加,但硏究資助依然是開拓新知的 主要經費來源。 年中獲成功轉移的科技包括: o 系統工程與工程管理學系林啟沛敎授開發的人工智能罪案分 析處理系統——該系統已為香港警方採用,以協助調查罪 案。 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) , and the Joint Technical Committee on Information Technology (JTC 1) SC 29 Working Groups (WG 1). It will also become a core technology in the new JPEG-LS standard. The University has established a number of spin-off companies to commercialize other research results. Licensing a n d c o n t r a c t a c t i v i t i e s The University has been well prepared for the recent emphasis in the HKSAR on technology transfer. Many CUHK research projects have borne fruit and many new technologies have been successfully transferred to the community, attracting interest from various industries. Revenue generated by contract and licensing activities has increased, but research grants remain the lifeblood of scholarship. Some examples of technology transfer are o The Artificial Intelligence Crime Analysis and Management System (AICAMS) developed by Prof. K.P. Lam of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management has been adopted by the Hong Kong Police Force to fight crime. o The Advanced Surface and Material s Analysis Centre established by Prof. Leo Lau of the Physics Department, Prof. Raymund Kwok of the Chemistry Department, and Prof. Ian Wilson of the Electronic Engineering Department has been widely consulted by local industries. 人工智能罪案分析處理系統可迅速拼砌疑犯肖像(左 圖);其電腦地圖(下圖)可輕易存取各區資料。 AICAMS' Facial Identification Tool contains a library of facial features that can be used to compose a suspect's face (left); its map-based system can produce digitized maps (below) with crime-related details. 硏究 Research 44
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