Annual Report 2000–01
二零零零至二零零一年度由中大硏究委員會分配的資源 (百萬港元) Disbursement by the CUHK Research Committee 2000-2001 (HK$ Million) 局的直接撥款,其餘則來自政府的整體撥款。 大部分款項用以資助經費少於二十萬港元的硏究 項目,餘額用以支持五類硏究活動,包括與各地 卓越硏究中心合作進行的幹線硏究計劃、長期的 策略性硏究計劃、硏究生參加學術會議、博士後 硏究計劃,以及跟進具良好發展潛質的硏究項 目。 研究成果 出 版 硏究人員的成果每每見諸學術會議文獻、著作、 專題文章、評論,以及國際和本地權威期刊的 論文。今年本校敎硏人員所發表的專論共計五千 零五十九種。 various research activities within the University. Of this, HK$15.7 million was a Direct Grant from the RGC , and the balance was drawn from the University Block Grant. Most of the funding went towards the support of projects costing less than HK$0.2 million each. The res t was used to finance the Mainline Research Scheme which encourages new collaboration with research centres of excellence, the Strategic Research Programme which supports long-term strategic initiatives, travel grants for research postgraduate students, the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, and researc h support for projects with good development potential. Research Output Publications The fruits of research usually take the form of conference papers, books, monographs, reviews, or articles published in prestigious international and local journals. For the year 2000-1, 5,059 items of research output were recorded. 36 研究 RESEARCH
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