2FA Policy for All University Accounts
Project Name 2FA Policy for All University Accounts
Go Live Date 2021-02-02

To prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to an account with a stolen password, DUO 2FA is introduced to provide a second-layer security to protect an user account. When using DUO 2FA, an additional piece of information, i.e. a Duo Push Response / One-time Passcode, is required during login to Microsoft 365 and VPN connection.
The IT Governance Committee has endorsed to enforce Two Factor Authentication (2FA) protection for all University accounts including all staff, student and project accounts (aka @cuhk.edu.hk and @link.cuhk.edu.hk) in Jul 2020.
Enforcement Date:

  • Student Accounts: 3 Nov 2020
  • Staff & Project Accounts: 2 Feb 2021
Serving User Groups Students, Staff, Departments
Service Details

ITSC eNewsletter – Issue 181


ITSC Service Desk > Information Security > General Enquiry > 2FA
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