Annual Report 2017–18
大學校董會報告 Report of the Council 9 大學用於學術及研究方面的支出,達六十三 億二千六百萬港元,佔總支出百分之八十,足 證大學不斷致力提升教學及研究質素。大學 用於樓宇、學生及一般教育事務、管理及行政 等輔助服務開支,亦維持在百分之二十水平。 大學在2017至18年度錄得全面收益共十六億 二千二百萬港元(表三),當中(在基金間轉 帳前)四千三百萬港元是經常性政府資助金 盈餘、一千六百萬港元是教資會配對補助金 盈餘,而十五億六千三百萬港元則為非政府 資助金盈餘。 Expenditure on learning and research amounted to HK$6,326 million and accounted for 80%of total expenditure, reaffirming theUniversity’s continuous advancement in teaching, learning and research. On the other hand, expenditure on institutional support, including premises and related expenses, student and general education services, and management and general, was steadily kept at 20%. The University achieved a total comprehensive income of HK$1,622 million for 2017–18 (Table 3), comprising surpluses (before inter-fund transfer) of HK$43 million, HK$16 million and HK$1,563 million in recurrent government funds, UGC matching grants fund and non- government funds, respectively. 表一: 按資助來源計算之大學總收益 Table 1: Total income of the University analyzed by sources of funding 截至六月三十日 Year Ended 30 June 2018 2017 (百萬港元 HK$’M ) (百分比 % ) (百萬港元 HK$’M ) (百分比 % ) 政府資助 Government Subventions 4,927 51.7% 4,835 52.3% 學費、課程及其他收費 Tuition, Programme and Other Fees 2,120 22.2% 2,018 21.9% 利息及投資淨收益 Interest and Net Investment Income 838 8.8% 847 9.2% 捐贈及捐款 Donations and Benefactions 731 7.7% 696 7.5% 輔助服務收入 Ancillary Services Income 310 3.2% 294 3.2% 其他收入 Other Income 608 6.4% 545 5.9% 總額 Total 9,534 100.0% 9,235 100.0% 表二: 按活動類別計算之大學總支出 Table 2: Total expenditure of the University analyzed by different categories of activities 截至六月三十日 Year Ended 30 June 2018 2017 (百萬港元 HK$’M ) (百分比 % ) (百萬港元 HK$’M ) (百分比 % ) 教學及研究 Instruction and Research 5,764 72.8% 5,683 72.7% 圖書館 Library 256 3.2% 232 3.0% 中央電腦設施 Central Computing Facilities 159 2.0% 165 2.1% 其他教學服務 Other Academic Services 147 1.9% 148 1.9% 管理及一般事項 Management and General 359 4.5% 388 5.0% 樓宇及有關支出 Premises and Related Expenses 723 9.1% 734 9.4% 學生及一般教育事務 Student and General Education Services 479 6.1% 432 5.5% 其他事務 Other Activities 27 0.4% 29 0.4% 總額 Total 7,914 100.0% 7,811 100.0% 表三: 按資助來源計算之全面收益總額(在基金間轉帳後) Table 3: Total comprehensive income analyzed by funding sources (after inter-fund transfer) 截至六月三十日 Year Ended 30 June 2018 2017 (百萬港元 HK$’M ) (百分比 % ) (百萬港元 HK$’M ) (百分比 % ) 一般及發展儲備基金 General and Development Reserve Fund (62) –3.8% 303 21.3% 配對補助金 Matching Grants Fund 16 1.0% 14 1.0% 非政府基金 Non-Government Funds 1,668 102.8% 1,108 77.7% 大學發展 University Development 1,140 70.3% 906 63.6% 研究活動 Research Activities 278 17.1% (125) –8.8% 基建項目 Capital Projects 201 12.4% (122) –8.6% 一般教學用途 General Academic Use 64 3.9% 281 19.7% 獎學金、獎金及助學金 Scholarships, Prizes and Bursaries 35 2.1% 153 10.8% 新書院 New Colleges 22 1.4% 16 1.1% 其他事務 Other Activities (72) –4.4% (1) –0.1% 總額 Total 1,622 100.0% 1,425 100.0%
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