Annual Report 1998-99
o 文學院於一九九八年九月推動全院學系及單位參與討論會及工 作會議,勾勒學院及學系未來的發展目標及發展策略,包括擴闊 人文學科的課程,發展跨學科科目,革新課程以適應社會轉變 並照顧學生的不同興趣,釐定學院及學系的卓越學科領域, 以及將該等領域舆硏究和敎學結合。 o 文學院增設學院核心科目,供該院一九九九至二零零零年度及 以後入學的新生修讀。該等科目是根據文學院卓越學科領域而訂 定,旨在擴闊學生的人文學視野,並提高他們在這方面的思考 能力。 o 現代語言及文化系完成其本科主修課程的籌備工作;該課程將於 二零零零至二零零一年推出。 o 宗敎系獲大學敎育資助委員會特別撥款,推行「學校倫理、公民 及宗敎敎育促進計劃」,包括成立一個相關的網上資源中心。 o 音樂系與英國皇家音樂學院合辦一項敎學證書課程,以提高器 樂及聲樂敎師的敎學水平。 o 中國語言及文學系完成粤音水平測試計劃的籌備工作,該計劃將 於一九九九至二零零零年推出,對象為中小學的敎師。 o 文學院代表團於一九九九年四月往訪北京及上海的主要大學,以 及官方和專業機構,開展學術交流。 o 是年學院及學系舉辦多個會議和展覽: -向中學校長及敎師介紹該院課程及畢業生出路的 「就業輔助講座」(文學院) —First International Symposium on Computer Learner Corpora, Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching (英文系) -首屆「廣東地區大學英語敎學會議」(英語敎學單位) 一「中大藝術 1999」 大型綜合展覽及「新亞金禧紀念藝術精品 展」(藝術系) -「翻譯在香港:回顧、現況與前瞻」會議(翻譯系) o The faculty initiated a faculty-wide strategic planning exercise in September 1998, in which all departments and units took part in discussion sessions or workshops to determine the objectives and strategies for future development, which eventually include the broadening of the humanities curricula, the promotion of interdisciplinary studies, the revamping of the curricula with an eye to keeping up with societal changes and catering to the interests of the students, the identification of faculty and departmental areas of excellence, and the integration of these areas into the faculty's research activities and programmes of study . o Faculty-based core courses were designed for students to be admitted to the faculty in 1999-2000 and thereafter. The courses have been developed around the faculty's areas of excellence and serve to broaden the students' perspectives and stimulate their intellectual thinking in a broader context of the humanities. o The Department of Modem Languages and Intercultural Studies finalized preparations to launch a major programme in modern languages and intercultural studies in 2000-2001. o The Department of Religion received a special grant from the University Grants Committee to run a project entitled 'Strengthening Support for the Teaching of Ethical, Civic and Religious Education in Schools', which includes the establishment of an online resource centre. o The Department of Music collaborated with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in holding the Certificate of Teaching Course to promote training among instrumental and singing teachers. o The Department of Chinese Language and Literature finalized preparations to launch a Cantonese pronunciation assessment scheme in 1999-2000 for primary and secondary school teachers. o A delegation from the faculty visited over 10 major universities, central government institutions, as well as professional institutions in Beijing and Shanghai for academic exchange in April 1999. o Several symposiums and exhibitions were held during the year: —A career seminar to promote the humanities curricula in the faculty among secondary school principals and teachers (Faculty) —First International Symposium on Computer Learner Corpora, Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching (Department of English) —First Regional Conference on College English Teaching (English Language Teaching Unit) —T h e Art of CUHK 1999' exhibition and 'Golden Jubilee Art Exhibition' (Department of Fine Arts) —Symposium on Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future (Department of Translation) 學術發展 Academic Development 21
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