Annual Report 2009–10
36 • 學院於二零一零年成立少年英才科學院,旨 在提供具挑戰性的系統化課程予中學生,全 年的課程涉獵不同科學範疇,學生修畢的學 分及成績,可供報讀中大時作參考。 The Faculty established the Science Academy for Young Talent, a formal academic structure dedicated to nurturing scientifically talented students and aimed at providing secondary school students with rigorously and systematically developed enrichment courses in various fields of science throughout the year. Students accumulate credit units for courses they have completed in the academy, so as to make use of their assessment results to inform undergraduate admission. • 物理系劉仁保教授與其中國科技大學的合作 夥伴在量子態壽命的研究上取得重大突破, 大大延長量子相位的穩定狀態,把其壽命由 原本的零點零四微秒延長近千倍至三十微 秒,朝量子計算邁進一大步。 Prof. Liu Renbao of the Department of Physics has achieved a significant breakthrough by prolonging the lifespan of the state of quantum superposition from less than 0.04 microseconds to 30 microseconds in his joint research with the University of Science and Technology of China. It is believed that the 理學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Science 劉仁保教授 Prof. Liu Renbao mastery of quantum information will make possible the creation of quantum computers capable of processing massive and complex data. • 生物化學系三年級生張嘉麟於英國文化協會 在二零零九年十一月二十一日舉辦的「科學一 叮」香港區決賽中,勇奪香港區冠軍,並獲觀 眾選為最受歡迎參加者,贏得「觀眾心水大 獎」。 Mr. Cheung Ka-lun Anthony, a final year biochemistry student, stormed to victory in the first British Council FameLab science communication competition held on 21 November 2009 in Hong Kong. Anthony beat nine other finalists to bring home the grand prize and was voted the ‘Audience Choice’. 張嘉麟同學 Mr. Cheung Ka-lun Anthony
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