Annual Report 2002–03
The Graduate School and its various postgraduate study programmes help nurture talented minds in the pursuit of original and exploratory research. Internal research funding is distributed by the Research Committee. The committee is also responsible for the evaluation and recommendation of project proposals for external grants application. 不少硏究人才,並為推動科技硏究作出貢獻。 校內的硏究事務委員會負責分配校內的硏究撥 款,評估硏究計劃書,並推薦有潛質的項目向校 外機構申請資助。 中大獲硏究資助局撥款金額 (一九八八至二零零三年) Research F u n d i ng f r o m t h e Research G r a n ts C o u n c i l, 1 9 8 8 - 2 0 03 註:統計數字包括中央撥款、直接資助及甄選撥款 Note: Figures include Central Allocation, Direct Grant, and Earmarked Grant 研究 Research 45
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