CUHK: Focus at 50
30 聚焦凝鏡:中大金禧紀實 CUHK: Focus at 50 創造知識 Creating Knowledge 大學是一個蓬勃活潑的學研群體,學院學系和各單位舉 辦各類講座和研討會,為學術界帶來新思維。 As an academic community of great vigour and enormous vitality, the University, together with its Faculties, departments and units, organized seminars and conferences throughout the year, creating knowledge and bringing new ideas to the local academic arena. 1 中國環境保護四十年學術論壇 Conference on the Forty Years of Environmental Protection in China 3–5.1.2013 2 傳統飲食與非物質文化遺產保護國際研討會 International Conference on Foodways & Heritage: A Perspective of Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage 3–5.1.2013 3 理察.大衛遜教授: 改變思想 改變大腦 Prof. Richard J. Davidson: Change the Brain by Transforming the Mind 6.3.2013 4 杜維明教授: 文化中國具有意義的「我們」如何可能 Prof. Tu Weiming: A Truly Meaningful ‘We’ in Cultural China: How Is It Possible? 7.3.2013 5 亞太國際教育協會年會暨展覽 APAIE Conference and Exhibition 11–14.3.2013 6 沙士十年—醫護專業人員研討會 SARS A Decade On: A Conference for the Health Professionals 12.3.2013 7 BiG論壇:中國企業「走出去」:海外投資併購大型交易創新 智慧和歷史機遇 BiG Forum: Going out of China: Innovation Mega-Deal Making Insights and Lessons 23.3.2013 8 鄭家豪、余翠怡、李致和 :運動場上,我的燦爛人生 Mr. Cheng Ka-ho, Ms. Yu Chui-yee, Mr. Daniel C.W. Lee : My Eventful Life on the Sports Fields 23.3.2013 1 2 5 6
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