Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 5 Dec 1965
College in 1957. Later he was sent to the University of Redlands, California, as an exchange student and there he was awarded the B.A. degree in 1961. He then did his graduate work in the University of California, Los Angeles, where he completed his M. A. degree in Sociology in 1963. Since September 1963, Mr. Wong has been on the teaching staff of Chung Chi College. His publications i n c l u d e: “The Chinese Refugee Problem, in Hong Kong” ( C h u ng Chi Student, 1960) , “Social Problems in Hong Kong” (Redlands Weekly, 1961), “Marriage and Family Systems in South Africa” ( S e m i n a r - U C L A, 1 9 6 2 ) , “ S o c i a l Ethics of Taoism'' ( S e m i n a r - U C L A, 1963), and “An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Attitude and Scale Values” ( C h u ng C h i Journal, 1964). COLLEGE ADM I N I STRAT I VE STAFF (In the order of availability of biographies) Dr. Robert Dan, M . B . , B . S . , College Physician, Chung Chi College, Dr. Robert Dan was born in Hong Kong and was educated at Queen's College. He later studied medicine at the University of Hong Kong. He was awarded the M.B., B.S. in 1960, with distinction, and won the Ho Kam Tong Prize in Social & Preventive Medicine. After qualifying, he held various appointments with the Goverment Obstetrics & Gynaecology Unit, the University Paediatrics Unit and the Government Medical Unit, all at Queen Mary Hospital. I n 1962 , he joined the medical staff of Hong Kong Anti-tuberculosis Association's Ruttonjee Sanatorium. Shortly after the completion of the College Clinic & Infirmary Building at Chung Chi College, Dr. Dan was appointed the College Physician in 1963 and was entrusted with the task of establishing a College Health Service. Concurrenly, he held the post of Physician- in-Charge at the Children's Garden Hospital of the Christian Children's Fund, Inc. where he helped in the 1964/65 Nutritional Survey, organized jointly by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the University of Hong Kong. In Ap r il 1964, Dr. Dan went into part-time general practice and was invited by the Chinese University, this summer, to participate in the Interim Medical Scheme, caring for those staff members and their dependents of the University Central Office as well as those students of the newly established School of Education living in Kowloon and the New Territories Dr. Dan is a member of the Chinese Medical Association, the British Medical Association, the School Medical Service and serves on the Student Health Committee of the World University Service. Mr. Stephen T. Y. Tiong, Assistant Registrar, New Asia College. Mr . Tiong was born in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia in 1938. After graduating from Methodist High School in 1956, he was awarded a four-year scholarship by Sarawak Junior Chamber of Commerce to proceed to Hong Kong to study Philosophy and Sociology at New Asia College. In 1960, he passed the Hong Kong Chinese Colleges Joint Diploma Examination with distinction. He graduated from the College in 1961 and taught for a year at Sibu Chung Hua Secondary School. Then in 1962, he was awarded a two-year scholarship by the Yale-in-China Association to further his studies at the Teachers’ College, Columbia University in the field of Educational Psychology. He obtained his M. A. degree from Columbia in June 1964. He later taught at Blair Academy, New Jersy. M r . Tiong assumed his duty as Assistant Registrar of New Asia College on August 4 , 1965. Mr. Wong Shiu-tsang, Assistant Bursar, United College. M r . Wong Shiu-tsang , alias Wong Ho-yin, was born in 1925 in Hong Kong where he received his education from King's College and the St. Paul's Co-Educational College. He pursued professional training in accounting for 3 years and passed the Final Examination of the International Institute of Accountants, Australia (now amalgamated with the Australian Society of Accountants) and was admitted as an Associate in 1951. Upon graduation from St. Paul's in 1947, M r . Wong joined the Caltex Oil Company. He attended a seminar abroad in 1960 , conducted by a New York 8
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