Annual Report 2009–10
83 捐 贈 、 財 務 與 賬 目 Donations, Finance and Accounts 捐贈、財務與賬目 Donations, Finance and Accounts Donations CUHK owes much of its advancement to the staunch support of alumni, friends and the community at large. The University is grateful to all benefactors for their generosity. Not surprisingly, CUHK alumni have been among the staunchest supporters of the University. From 2004 to 2009, CUHK alumni have donated over HK$100 million to the University. In recognition of the long-standing support and generous donations of alumni over the years, a new set of alumni donations commemorative plaques was erected at the Alumni Garden. 捐贈 自創校以來,蒙校友及社會各界友好的不 斷支持,大學得以迭續新峰。善長慷慨捐 獻,大學同人銘記於心。 中大校友向來熱心支持母校,慷慨捐助 不遺餘力。在二零零四至零九年間,校友 的捐款總額超過港幣一億元。大學為表 達謝忱,特於中大校友園豎立校友捐贈 銘謝牌匾。 「與高錕教授同行」中大步行籌款日 ‘Walk with Professor Kao’ CUHK Walkathon C lose to 3,000 walkers took part in the ‘Walk with Professor Kao’ CUHK Walkathon held on 14 March 2010. The event was kicked off by Professor and Mrs. Charles K. Kao; Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, CUHK Council Chairman; and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, etc. Alumni, staff, students and friends of CUHK, along with corporations, primary, secondary, and even kindergarten school students and their parents responded enthusiastically by forming teams to support the event. BOCHK Charitable Foundation, the platinum sponsor of the event, mobilized hundreds of staff to join the walk. The event raised HK$4 million for the Charles K. Kao Scholarship Endowment Fund and to develop an online training programme for family caregivers of people with cognitive loss. Part of the fund has been appropriated to set up the Prof. Charles K. Kao Research Exchange Scholarships. 與 高錕教授同行」中大步行籌款日在二零一零 年三月十四日舉行,由高錕教授伉儷、大學 校董會主席鄭海泉博士和劉遵義校長等主持開 步禮。 活動有近三千人參與,包括多所企業、中大師生、 校友及友好、中小學生、幼稚園學生與家長,其中 活動的白金贊助商中銀香港慈善基金更動員數百 員工共襄善舉。活動共籌得善款港幣四百萬元, 支持高錕獎學基金及認知障礙者家屬網上培訓課 程。基金已撥出部分金額,設立高錕教授科研交流 生獎學金。 「
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