Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 7 Jul–Aug 1970

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T BULLETIN VOLUME SIX JULY-AUGUST 1970 NUMBER SEVEN C O N T E N T S Page Symposium on the Teaching of Chinese Language and Literature . . . . 1 Ceremony for Signing the Lease of Land to the University 5 External Examiners in Hong Kong . . 6 Vice-Chancellor addresses the Second Asian Student Conference . . . 7 Examination News 8 Asian-U.S. Educators' Conference . . 9 Second Mathematics Symposium . . . . 9 New Committees 10 Personalia 10 Staff Profiles 10 Comings and Goings 11 College News 13 S y m p o s i um o n t he T e a c h i n g o f Ch i ne s e L a n g u a ge a n d L i t e r a t u re A four-day Symposium on the Teaching of Chinese Language and Literature, jointly sponsored by this University and The Asia Foundation, opened with an Opening Address by Dr. Choh-Ming Li, Vice-Chancellor of the University, at the Young Men's Christian Association, Waterloo Road, Kowloon, on 6th July, 1970. The Symposium, whose aim was to discover ways and means of raising the standard of Chinese of secondary school students in Hong Kong, was of great significance to the Hong Kong community as both its population and the primary medium of communication are mainly Chinese. It was hoped that the Symposium might lead to a greater awareness of the importance of the Chinese language both as a means of instruction and a medium of expression and thus bring about a revaluation of the teaching of Chinese in secondary schools. More than 140 delegates from various educational and cultural organizations, including many teachers of Chinese in local secondary schools, participated in the Symposium. Dr. Choh-Ming Lis Opening Address (an outline) At the 10th Congregation of The Chinese University last year, I pointed out that " In Hong Kong now, we are facing an urgent demand from the community for effective bi-lingualism. More and more the community is giving equal emphasis to both Chinese and English languages. An educated individual is expected to have a competent command of both languages." The response to my speech from the public varied. Some urged this University to take steps to help secondary schools raise the standard of Chinese. And some would like the University to help promote the study of English, which, of course, is the other side of the coin but does not demand our urgent attention for the present. However, the friends and colleagues of the University all agreed that effective bi-lingualism is the basic issue of education in Hong Kong, therefore action should be taken to look deeper into the problems of its implementation. As a result of this, we set up a body to hold a comprehensive survey on the teaching of Chinese in Hong Kong and later an Organizing Committee for this Symposium was formed. In the course of