Annual Report 2020–21

管理與行政 Governance and Administration 75 主席 Chairman 梁乃鵬博士, GBS , JP Dr. Norman N.P. Leung, GBS, JP 由2016年5月1日起獲委任為主席 appointed Chairman from 1 May 2016 由2015年6月26日起獲委任為成員 nominated from 26 June 2015 載通國際控股有限公司主席及獨立非執行董事 Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director of Transport International Holdings Limited 梁博士現為中大校董會主席及載通國際控股有限 公司主席及獨立非執行董事,及其全資附屬公司九 龍巴士(一九三三)有限公司與龍運巴士有限公司主 席,亦為新鴻基地產發展有限公司及南豐集團(控 股)有限公司獨立非執行董事,及前任電視廣播有 限公司行政主席。梁博士曾出任民眾安全服務隊處 長、廣播事務管理局主席及香港城市大學校董會主 席/副監督。 Dr. Leung is Chairman of the Council of CUHK and Chairman and an Independent Non-Executive Director of Transport International Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries, The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited and Long Win Bus Company Limited. He is an Independent Non-Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited and Nan Fung Group Holdings Limited, and was formerly Executive Chairman of Television Broadcasts Limited. He had served as the Commissioner of the Civil Aid Service, Chairman of the Broadcasting Authority, and Council Chairman/ Pro-Chancellor of City University of Hong Kong. 大學校董會成員履歷簡述 Brief Biographies of Council Members 副主席 Vice-Chairman 利乾博士, BBS Dr. Chien Lee, BBS 由2015年3月2日起獲委任為副主席 appointed Vice-Chairman from 2 March 2015 由2009年12月16日起獲推選為成員 elected from 16 December 2009 希慎興業有限公司非執行董事 Non-Executive Director of Hysan Development Company Limited 利博士現為中大校董會副主席、北山堂基金主席, 以及利希慎基金理事。自1988年起出任利希慎置業 有限公司非執行董事,並為太古股份有限公司獨立 非執行董事。他亦為香港中文大學醫學中心有限公 司董事會主席、聖保羅男女中學及小學校監及史丹 福大學榮譽校董兼醫院董事會成員。 Dr. Lee is Vice-Chairman of the Council of CUHK and Chairman of Bei Shan Tang Foundation, and a Governor of Lee Hysan Foundation. He has been a Non-Executive Director of Hysan Development Company Limited since 1988 and is also an Independent Non-Executive Director of Swire Pacific Limited. He is currently Chairman of the Board of CUHK Medical Centre Limited, Supervisor of St. Paul’s Co-educational College and its Primary School, and also a Trustee Emeritus of Stanford University and Director of Stanford Health Care.