Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 11 Jun 1967
M r. Shigeru Obayashi, Foreign M inistry of Japan who is in charge of Liaison w ith Japanese cultural projects overseas ; Dr. Robert McColl who is teaching Geography and Far Eastern Studies at University of Kansas and Dr. Fang Kwai L i, Professor of Linguistics and Literature, University of Washington. COLLEGE REPORTS Δ President T.C. Cheng and Vice-President S.K. Fang of United College visited Wireless Products Ltd., a subsidiary of the world-famous General Tele phone and Electronics Corporation, on June 17, 1967. They were accompanied by M r. J.D. McGreger, Assistant Director of Commerce and Industry, and M r. A .M . Cappon and M r. H .J . Ballerand, Directors of Wireless Products Ltd. During the tour, the management of the Company assured the visitors that students of United College taking Electronic courses would be welcome to undergo practical training in the firm during summer holidays. Δ Chung Chi College held its 13th Baccalaureate Service and Graduation Ceremony on Sunday, 25th June, 1967, in the College Chapel. President Yung gave an address to the graduating class and awarded diplomas and presented Bibles to the graduates. Miss Fan Sau Har and M r. Mak Sai Yiu, representing the 182 members o f the graduating class, gave the valedictory addresses. Sir Lindsay Ride, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong, addressed the congregation. The College Choir sang the Anthem. Tea was served immediately after the ceremony in the Chapel Lounge and in the new Staff Centre. Despite the difficulty of travelling, parents and friends o f the graduates and friends of the College attended the ceremony in large numbers. Δ Chung Chi College has just received news of the death in June of Dr. Leslie K ilborn, former Chair man of the Board of Governors and Vice-President of Chung Chi College. D r. Kilborn was born in Kiating (now called Loshan) on the M in River about one hun dred miles south of Chengtu, in 1895, of Canadian parents who were both medical missionaries. After receiving his training in medicine at the University of Toronto, he returned to China in 1921 to teach in the Medical College of West China Union University, Chengtu, Szechwan. During his 31 years of service at West China University, he made an invaluable con tribution to the school and its students and indeed to the people of China. D r. K ilborn left Chengtu in 1952 for Hong Kong, where he joined the medical faculty of the University o f Hong Kong. In August 1952 he succeeded Sir Lindsay Ride as Professor of Physiology of Medicine. A fter his retirement from the University of Hong Kong in August, 1960, he became Vice-President of Chung Chi College, of whose Board of Governors he had been Chairman since 1955. In addition to his many main tasks as Vice-President, Dr. Kilborn helped to build up the collection of books in the library and acted as librarian in charge. On May 30, 1963, he sailed for Canada on his retirement, thus bringing to an end the Kilborn family's total of 200 years of service in China. But even retirement did not end his contribution to China and the Chinese. From the other side of the Pacific he still continued to work for Chung Chi, arranging for books and periodicals to be sent to the library, interviewing applicants for posts in the College ; a few days before his death he wrote a detailed letter to the librarian about the order of books on Canada. Δ M r. N .H . Young, Academic Registrar of United College, gave a talk on "West Germany today" to members of the Hong Kong Rotary Club Island West at its weekly luncheon meeting held at H ilton Hotel on June 16 , 1967. A The Institute of New Asia College held its 29th Seminar and its first Research Trainees Seminar, at which M r. Chin Chung-shu, Assistant Research Fellow, read a paper on “ Szuma Kuang and the System of Recommending Candidates for Government Posts in the Northern Sung Dynasty" and M r. Chen Ching- hao, Research Trainee, read a paper on "A Critical Assessment of Hu Shih's Study of the Red Chamber Dr eam” . Δ M r, Chan Kai-sun, Associate Lecturer in the School of Education, recently had his book entitled “ Study of the Teaching of the Chinese Language in Secondary Schools” published. The publication serves as an important reference to teachers of the secondary schools as well as scholars interested in the field of teaching and education, Δ Two senior students of New Asia College have been awarded the Japanese Government Full Scholar ships. They are M r. Yeung Chung Kee, a Chinese Literature Major, and Miss Wan So Mei, a student of the Economics Department. The Scholarships, including living allowances and travelling expenses, enable the winner to spend two years in a university in Japan. Δ The Hon. Y .K . Kan, Chairman of the Chung Chi College Board of Governors, has been made a commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in this year's Queen's Birthday Honours list. Δ The Rev. Loren Noren, former College Chaplain and member of the Board of Governors of Chung Chi College who is now on leave in the United States, was awarded an honorary Doctor of D ivin ity by Ottawa University on June 4. 6
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