Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 11 Jun 1967
The answers to these questions w ill be used for two separate purposes. First, it w ill help the community to develop more realistic social welfare, health, and industrial policies for Hong Kong; second, it w ill provide scholars w ith an understanding of the causes and consequences of rapid industrial and urban development . Although the questions to be asked in the study refer primarily to health and occupational matters, they w ill help scholars to answer the following questions: —How does a person's occupation affect his life and the life of his family? —How does a person's housing situation affect his family life ? —How does a person's housing and his family life affect his work life? —How does a person's cultural and family back- ground affect the adjustment he makes to urban living? I t is anticipated that the analysis of data and the preparation of reports for the study w ill require approximately eighteen months. A ll findings from the study w ill be made public. It was stated that the project, which was two years in planning and preparation, was “ designed to benefit the entire community. The reports prepared by the project staff w ill be made equally available to everyone.” FAREWELL LUNCHEON The Vice-Chancellor, on behalf of the University, invited all the visiting staff who would be leaving the University this summer to attend the University Monthly Luncheon on June 16. During the occasion, Vice-Chancellor L i presented souvenirs to M r. B. P. Schoyer, Vice-President of New Asia College, as a token of appreciation for his excellent service to New Asia College and the University in the past years. M r. Schoyer is going back to the United States in August. Other honourable guests invited to attend the party included:— M r. Hsu Fu Kuan Prof. & Mrs. B.L. H ö rmann Prof. & Mrs. Myer Katz M r. & Mrs. A.J. Leary Prof. & Mrs. J. Levenson Prof. N. Matsumoto Prof. & Mrs. R.G. Patterson Prof. & Mrs. Lee Preston Prof. & M rs. J.R. Townsend D r. Barbara Ward Prof. & Mrs. P. Wienpahl The University holds the luncheon party every month, where the key persons of the University get together to meet one another in a most congenial atmosphere. In future, the Friday Luncheon in May each year w ill serve the purpose of bidding farewell to the visiting staff and their wives. CUHK REPRESENTATIVES M r. H. T . Wu, the Registrar, has been appointed representative of the University to serve on the Board of Governors of New Asia College. The University of Hong Kong has also nominated its Registrar, M r. B. Mellor, to serve on the Board. * * * M r. S.T. Cheung, Assistant Registrar in charge of Undergraduate Examinations, has been appointed to represent this University on the University of Hong Kong Board for Advanced Level Examination for a period of three years w ith effect from Ap ril 1, 1967. * * * Professor Chou Fa-kao, Professor of Chinese, has been appointed the University representative on the Board of External Examiners (oral) for graduate students of the New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research. ADM IN IS TRA T IVE CHAIRMEN APPOINTED The Vice-Chancellor announced recently that the following staff have been appointed Administrative Chairmen of the Boards of Studies concerned for the purpose of administrative continuity during the current academic year. Dr. S.T. Tsou, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, United College Miss Lee Hei-man, Lecturer of Social Work, Chung Chi College M r. C.C. Hu, Senior Lecturer of Sociology, United College Dr. Y.C. Yen, Lecturer of Education, School of Education The administrative chairmen, as well as the visiting professors of the fields concerned, w ill be fu ll members of the Undergraduate Examinations Board. UN IFORM COLLEGE CALENDARS To ensure smooth functioning in arranging the inter-collegiate teaching schedule, a certain degree of uniform ity of College Calendars has been achieved for the next academic year and continuous effort to improve w ill be made in future. 4
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