Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 5 Dec 1971
COLLEGE NEWS • Prof. Leonard Meyer of the University of Chicago was invited to give a lecture on “Mozart's A Major Piano Sonata" on 1st November at Chung Chi College • At the joint invitation of the Departments of Economics and Business Administration of New Asi a College, Prof. Kai-ren Chou, formerly Professor of Economics at the University, gave a lecture o n 5 th November on "Industrial Development in Asia" . • At the invitation of the Chinese Literature Department of New Asia College, Mr. S.M. Hsia , formerly part-time Lecturer in Chinese Literature at the College, gave a lecture on 13th November on "The New School of Kiangsi Poetry". • At a Biology Seminar held on 16th November at Chung Chi College, Dr. K.S. Bhargava , Professor of Botany and Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gorakhpur, India, spoke on “Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases". • Dr. Rance P.L. Lee, Lecturer in Sociology, Chung Chi College, presented a paper on “Changes in Socio- Economic Status and Mental Illness" at the Conference on Mental Health and Urbanization, which was on e of the programmes of the 24th Annual Meeting of the World Federation for Mental Health, held in Hong Kong from 22nd to 24th November, 1971. • New Asia College held its 132nd Monthly Meeting on 5th November, at which Mr. Sun Kuo-tung, Head of the History Department of the College, gave a speech on "The Tiao Yu Tai Issue and Japanese Militarism", and Mr. Cheng Hoi-chuen, a student representative, spoke on "New Asia College and Its Attitude towards the Tiao Yu Tai Issue”. • The newly-elected Executive Committee (1971/72) of the Electronics Societ y at United College was officially admitted to office at an Inauguration Ceremony held on 27th November. Officiating at the ceremony was Mr. Chan Tak-tai, Honorary President of the Society, and member of the College Board of Trustees . • New Asia College held its 8th Annual Athletic Meet on 7th November. About 200 students participated. The History Department won the General Championship, and the Physics and Chinese Literature Departments won the Group Championships for men and women respectively. • An Art Exhibition was held at the rotunda by the Fine Arts students of New Asia College from 12th to 15 th November. • New Asia College held a reception on 18th November for teachers and students, at which genera l affairs about the College were discussed. Heads of the teaching and administrative departments as well as members of the Executive Committee of the Student Union and the Representative Council were invited to attend. • The Student Union of New Asia College held an exhibition o f photographs on the Tiao Yu Tai Issue at the Auditorium from 27th to 29th November. The University Bulletin of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is published and distributed free by the University Bulletin Editorial Board among the University faculty and staff. Copies are also sent to friends of the University. Members of the University Bulletin Editorial Board: Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Chairman) Mrs. A. E. Adams Mr. Andrew Y. Y. Chan Mr. T. C. Lai Dr. Andrew T. Roy Mr. Stephen T . Y. Tiong Mr. J. C. Yuan Miss Janet Lai (Secretary) Bulletin Staff: Editor - Mr. Stephen C. Soong Assistant to the Editor - Mrs. Y. Y. Lo College Correspondents: Mr. Fang Hsin Hou (Chung Chi College) Mr. Wai Yu-chen (New Asia College) Miss Katherine Kit-lin Poon (United College) Address: The Chinese University o f Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong - 8 -
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