Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 7 Feb 1966
D r. C h o h -M in g L i, the V ice -C hance llo r, presided at the lecture and in tro du ced M r, Shaplen. D r. L i remarked th a t the establishment o f a D e pa rtm e n t o f Journalism and Mass Comm unications Centre in a u n ive rs ity is unprecedented in H o ng K o n g and un know n in many other parts o f Asia. He po in ted out tha t the lecturers are a ll w e ll-kn ow n newspapermen e ither from abroad or liv in g in H o ng K ong. T h e fact tha t they are w illin g to lecture in the U n iv e rs ity in spite o f th e ir own extrem ely heavy schedules is a measure o f the in te rna tiona l and local suppo rt the U n iv e rs ity receives in this new endeavour, D r. L i concluded. DIRECTOR OF SURVEY RESEARCH CENTRE D r. Robert E dw ard M itc h e ll o f the U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia , Berkeley, has jo in e d the Chinese U n iv e rs ity to establish and d irect the new Survey Research Centre. D r. M itc h e ll's tra in in g and research experience indicate tha t he is no stranger either to the Chinese society or to the academic circle in H o ng K on g . He received his firs t degree from the U n iv e rs ity o f M ich ig a n , where he specialized in O rien ta l civiliza tion s. He graduated from the China Area P rogramme at H a rvard, and received a doctorate in Sociology from C o lum b ia in 1962. W h ile at Colum bia, he served as a pro je ct d ire cto r at the U n iv e rs ity 's Bureau o f A p p lie d Social Research and at the same tim e taught in the D e pa rtm e n t o f Sociology. F rom 1962 to F ebruary th is year, D r. M itc h e ll was w ith the Survey Research Centre o f the U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia , Berkeley. D u rin g this tim e he in itia te d a varied programm e o f research projects and services related to com parative in te rn a tio n a l studies. These respon sibilitie s led h im to many parts o f the w o rld , in c lu d in g tw o trip s th ro u g h Asia, one th ro u g h L a tin Am erica, and several to Europe. In the course o f establishing Berkeley's In te rn a tio n a l Data L ib ra ry and Reference Service, an archive o f existing social science data in the fo rm o f IB M cards, D r. M itc h e ll served as the firs t E xecutive Secretary o f the C o un cil o f Social Science Data A rchives, an Am erican association composed o f social science research centres from some tw e n ty leading Am erican universities. He has also been active in research and tra in in g programmes fo r in te rna tiona l comparative social science studies supported by the In te rn a tio n a l Social Science C oun cil and U N E S C O . D r. M itc h e ll's research and w ritin g s cover a w ide range o f topics, and he has some tw o dozen pu b lications and reports on such topics as survey research methodology in the developing countries, comparative study o f social science research agencies in Asia and L a tin Am erica, econom ic and social barriers to the effective performance o f modern occupational tasks in the developing countries, methodological critiq ue s o f theories o f status crystallization, occupational, organizational, and career elements o f the Am erican P rotestant clergy, differences in voting behaviour in national and local elections, and the use o f frequency content analysis procedures fo r explanatory studies. These articles have appeared in the In ternational Social Science Journal, The American Be h a vi o ra l Scientist, Social Problems, Social Science I n f o r m a t io n、 The American J o u r n a l o f Sociology, Public Opinion Quarterly, The Jo u rn a l f o r the Scientific Stu d y o f Religion, and the Review o f Religious Research. W ith these varied research interests, together w ith the service o rien ta tion o f the U n iv e rs ity 's new Survey Research Centre, D r. M itc h e ll expects to w o rk closely w ith the social scientists o f the U n iv e rs ity and the local comm u n ity. He w ill be especially h e lp fu l in advising on matters o f research design, arranging for the collection o f in te rview and questionnaire data, prepa ring these materials fo r machine processing, processing and analyzing materials, and preparing research reports. T h e new Centre w ill develop service and educational programmes to help p e rfo rm these tasks. Several IB M data-processing machines have already been ordered fo r use by the U n iv e rs ity , H is office w ill be in the On Lee B u ild in g , 545 Nathan Road, K ow lo on . A ccom pan ying D r. M itc h e ll are his w ife, who has a M aster's degree in A n th ropo lo g y, and three young ch ildre n. T h e fam ily has taken up residence at K o wloon T ong . INTERNAL EXAMINERS FOR 1966 DEGREE/DIPLOMA EXAM INAT ION T h e fo llow in g have been approved by the Senate as in te rna l exam iners fo r the U n iv e rs ity 1966 Degree/ D ip lom a E xam in a tio n : Chinese Language & Literature M r, Pan C h ung-kw e i (Chairm an) M r. W ong Shiu-shang (C .C .) M r. C hung Y in g -m e i (C .C .) M r. Tsang K e -tu a n (N .A .) M r. Cheng S hui-sum (U .C .) M r . Yao H s in -n u n g (U .C .) English Language & Literature D r. Chang Pao-heng (Chairm an) M r. R .N . Rayne (C .C .) F r. Canice J. Egan (N .A .) D r. Jennie H u ie (U .C .) F r. J. Gannon (U .C .) M r . K .P . M a k (C .C .) P rof. J. Z e ld in (C .C .) 3
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