Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 7 June 1973
The committee is headed by a leading collector, Mr. Ho lu-kwong. The response to the drive has been very encouraging so far . Apart from contributions to the Acquisition Fund, donations from individuals include several 18th-century paintings of the Yangchou school and a set of twelve early stone rubbings of the "Lan-t'ing Preface", the most admired piece of Chinese calligraphy of all times. These rubbings have been in successive famous collections since the 12th century. The Art Library of the Institute of Chinese Studies has also received donations of nearly one thousand volumes of reference books on Chinese art from Mr. Cheng Chi of Tokyo, and a complete set of the publications and slides of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, from Mr. Lin, a collector in Taipei. An exhibition of all items donated to the Art Gallery will be held in the Art Gallery toward the end of the year. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION The School of Education moved on 28th May from Kowloon into its temporary quarters at Chung Chi College. This move represents a step towards integration with all departments of the University with the hope that interchange of ideas among various disciplines may provide the impetus for educational innovations. Following government's announcemen t of plans to expand and improve education in Hong Kong with particular emphasis on secondary education, the School of Education is stepping up its efforts to train an adequate number of qualified teachers and educational leaders for the community. Development plans for 1973- 1974 include: 1) increasing enrolment for the Diploma in Education programme from the present 123 to 230; 2) initiating a one-year post-graduate programme leading to an M.A. degree in Education in five areas of specialization, namely, Educational Administration, Educational Technology, Counselling, Chinese Education and Curriculum Development; 3) initiating for the first time in Hong Kong an undergraduate elective programme in Education which includes, i n its first year of operation, courses in Introduction to Education and General Teaching Methods for second- and fourth- year students respectively from all faculties and departments; and 4) establishing a Centre for Educational Technology for research in the areas of Teaching Media, Teaching Systems, and Innovative Use of Technology in Education , for example, Educational Television, Computerized Teaching, and Programmed Learning. The School of Education will press forward with these plans with the recruitment of more full-time staff and the acquisition of new equipment. COMPUTER SCIENCE TEACHING AND COMPUTER SERVICES A Computer Services Terminal and a Computer Science Department were set up in April to take over the work of the Computing Centre. The Computer Services Terminal is housed in the Benjamin Franklin Centre and the Computer Science Department is at United College. The former Faculty Advisory Committee for the Computing Centre has now been re-named Management Committee for the Computer Services Terminal, but the membership remains the same: Dr. C.T. Yung (Chairman) Prof. Bay-Sung Hsu Prof. S.C. Loh Dr. Charles Kao Dr. H.M. Chang Dr. Hsin Sutu Mr. Teh-Chao Wang Dr. R.F. Turner-Smith Mr. Jerome J. Day The terms of reference of the Committee are as follows: (a) To advise the Vice-Chancellor on all matters relating to the provision of computer services to the University community; (b) To monitor the operations of the Computer Services Terminal and to act as the management body to whom the Computer Services Terminal Supervisor is to report; (c) To act as the channel for all computer users, including the Computer Science Department, to receive recommendations and criticisms -3-
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