Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 7 June 1973
regarding the services provided by the University Computer Services Terminal; (d) To act as a communications interface between the University community and the Joint Universities Compute r Centre. A new Committee on the Teaching of Computer Science has been set up with the following as members: President T.C. Cheng (Chairman) Prof. S.C. Loh Dr. Charles Kao Mr. Jerome J. Day Dr. Pedro Ng Dr. Fong-ching Chen The terms of reference of the Committee are: (a) To review the long-range plan for computer education at the University; (b) To establish what teaching resources , including extra-departmental resources, are required for the implementation of various programmes proposed under (a); (c) To determine what programmes should be implemented in the immediate future in view of the long-range goals and teaching resources available; (d) To devise a curriculum (with course content) to meet the needs of the various disciplines interested in computer studies; (e) To assist in the recruitment of necessary staff. It is expected that the new Committee and the Management Committee for the Computer Services Terminal will work together and the Committee on the Teaching of Computer Science may co-opt any staff member to participate in any meeting. AD HOC WORKING PARTY ON THE COMMITTEE STRUCTURE OF UNIVERSITY-WIDE AND COLLEGE ACTIVITIES The University has recently set up an Ad Hoc Working Party on the Committee Structure of University-wide and College Activities to review and make recommendations for changes in the committee structure. Members of the Working Party are: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Chairman) Two representatives from each of the three Colleges, one of whom is the College President or his representative and the other an academic. (In order that the various Faculties may be represented, Chung Chi College has selected its academic representative from the Faculty of Science, New Asia College from Arts, and United College from Commerce & Social Science) University Registrar (Member & Secretary) PERSONALIA Appointment Mr. Johnson Lau Senior Architect, Buildings Office Promotions Mrs. Chan Shu-an Administrative Assistant, Dean of Students' Office, Chung Chi College Mrs. Wong Poon Administrative Assistant, Registry, Kit-lin, Katherine United College STAFF PROFILES Dr. Kwong Kin Hung Temporary Lecturer in Chinese New Asia College Dr. Kwong K in Hung, bom in Hong Kong, graduated from the Chinese Literature Department of New Asia College and pursued postgraduate studies at the Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research of the College. In 1971 he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Athens, Greece. Dr. Kwong's publications include Chinese translations of Plato's Apology of Socrates and Crito, and a book on Comparative Studies on Ancient Greek and Chinese Education. — 4 —
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