Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 4 Dec 1970
M e m b e r s o f t h e G r a d u a t e C o u n c i l 1970-71 Chairman: Dr. Choh-Ming L i Members: Prof. Eric Axilrod Dr. Daniel Y. Chang (representing Prof. S.C. Joseph Fu) Prof. Chen Cheng-siang Mr. T.C. Cheng Prof. Chou Fa-kao Prof. N.E. Fehl Prof. Bruce Glassburner Prof. John Hohenberg Prof. Bay-sung Hsu Prof. S.S. Hsueh Prof. S.C Loh Dr. Y.P. Me i Prof. Mou Jun-sun Prof. Jiri Nehnevajsa Dr. Sutu Hsin Prof. Tang Chun-i Prof. Irving B. Tebor Dr. Chi Wang Prof. Harry Wang Dr. C.T. Yung Secretary: The Acting Registrar, deputized by Mr. H.M. Liu T h e C h i n e se L a n g u a ge P r es s I n s t i t u t e T h i r d A n n u a l A s s e m b l y The Third Annual Assembly of The Chinese Language Press Institute was held in Hong Kong from 2nd to 4th November, 1970. It wa s officially opened by Miss Aw Sian, Chairman of The Chinese Language Press Institute, at the Hong Kong Hyatt Hotel. Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dr. the Hon. Sir Cho-Yiu Kwan, Chairman of the University Council, paid tribute to the Institute for the successful co-ordination among the newspaper members of various countries. The Assembly, which discussed modernizing the usage of Chinese, professional training in the field of journalism and mechanical printing techniques, was attended by more than 120 local and overseas newspaper publishers and representatives. Participants of the Third Annual Assembl y visited the University campus and the newly completed Institute of Chinese Studies in Shatin on 3rd November. They were greeted by Vice-Chancellor Choh-Ming L i and the three College Presidents. In a speech of welcome before a luncheon given by the University, Dr. L i emphasized that The Chinese Language Press Institute and the University have the same objective in enriching the Chinese culture and they complement each other in their work. Miss Aw Sian was re-elected Chairman of the Institute at the Third Annual General Meeting held on 4th November. S e m i n a r s o f T h e C o m p a r a t i ve a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E d u c a t i o n S o c i e ty A group of 91 American and Canadian educators of The Comparative and International Education Society, mostly superintendents of school districts in the United States and Canada, visited Hong Kong from 24th to 28th November, 1970. Led by Prof. Gerald H. Read, Director of International Seminars of the Society, they were taking a world tour to hold seminars on education in various countries and two were held at thi s University. The seminars took place at the chapel of Chung Chi College on 25th November. Mr. T.C . Cheng, President of United College and concurrently Director of the School of Education of the University, gave a talk on "Educational Development in Hong Kong". The second seminar was given by Prof. Bruce Glassburner, Director of the University of California Study Centre in Hong Kong, on "China's Economy". In order to know more about the educational system in Hong Kong, the group of educators visited Maryknoll Convent School and Pui Chin g Middle School on 26th November. — 1 1 —
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