Bulletin Number Three 1986
Profiles Dr. P.S. Chung Dr. Chak-lam Wong, John Dr. Nicholas Tapp Dr. P.S. Chung Seni or Lec tu re r, Depa r tmen t o f El ec tr on ics Dr. P.S. Chung graduated from the University o f Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, w ith a BSc and an MSc in Electrical Engineering, and was awarded the Bronze Tablet and the Highest Honours. His early research interests included solid-state theory and semicon ductor memory. He took his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at T rinity College, University o f Cambridge. Graduating in 1976 , Dr. Chung joined the Physical Electronics Group at University College, University o f London, working in the areas o f optical fibres, integrated optics and x-ray waveguiding pro blems. In 1978 he went to Philips Telecom in Malmesbury, U.K ., and worked on digital trans mission, PCM techniques and four-phase MOS-LSI logic design. In 1980 he was appointed Lecturer in the Department o f Communications at the University o f New South Wales, Australia. He was promoted Senior Lecturer in 1983 , and in July the same year, was awarded a six-month JSPS (Japanese Society for the Promotion o f Science) Fellowship to carry out research on optoelectronics at the Faculty o f Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan. He came to Hong Kong in early 1986 to take up the post o f Senior Lecturer in the Department o f Electronics at this university. Dr. Chung's research interests and publications are in optical thin films, integrated and fibre optics, fibre and integrated optical sensors. Dr. Chak-lam Wong, John Seni or Lect ur er , Dep a r tmen t o f Pharmaco logy Dr. Chak-lam Wong, John, obtained his BSc degree from the University o f Hong Kong in 1974. Upon graduation, he was admitted to the Faculty o f Medi cine o f the same university for postgraduate training in Pharmacology, and was awarded an MPhil degree in 1976. He then went to Australia to further his studies at Monash University, Victoria. Receiving his PhD degree in early 1979 , Dr. Wong returned to Hong Kong and took up the post as Lecturer in the Depart ment o f Pharmacology o f his alma mater. In 1981 , Dr. Wong joined the Faculty o f Medicine o f this university as Lecturer in Pharmacology. He was appointed Senior Lecturer in April 1986. Dr. Wong's main research interest focuses on the mechanisms o f actions o f the analgesic effect, tolerance and physical dependence o f the opiates. Recently he is also interested in pharmacokinetic studies. Dr. Wong is a member o f a number of inter national academic societies, and has been Honorary Treasurer o f the Hong Kong Society o f Neurosciences. Lately, he has participated in the planning and the establishment o f the Hong Kong Pharmacology Society. Dr. Nicholas Tapp L e c t u r e r i n A n t h r o p o l o g y Dr. Tapp was educated at Gonville and Caius College, University o f Cambridge, and at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University o f London. He obtained a BA (Hons.) and an MA degree in English literature from Cambridge, and the degrees o f MA in Southeast Asian Studies and PhD in Social Anthropology from London. Dr. Tapp is interested in semiology and structuralism, the analysis o f kinship systems, and mythology. A fter teaching in southern Thailand for two years, he went on to do eighteen months o f intensive fieldwork in a White Hmong upland community in northern Thailand. He has taught in the Anthropology Department o f the School o f Oriental and African Studies, and has presented papers at conferences in Minneapolis, USA, and Bangkok, Thailand. He has also given a talk in Kun PROFILES 17
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