Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 3 Dec 1967
Operator 一 and a F aculty A d visory C omm ittee w ith the fo llow in g members, to advise on the operation and development o f the C entre: D r. Robert E. M itc h e ll (Chairm an) M r. S .K . Fang Professor D a v id H . L i D r. S.C. L o h Professor M au rice M o o n itz Professor A n th o n y M . T ang Professor S.C. Joseph Fu Professor Hsu Bay-sung In September an Education S ub-C omm ittee was established to look after the teaching o f com puter courses fo r undergraduate students as w e ll as fa c u lty members. Its members are: D r. M .I. B erkow itz (Sociology) M r. D o na ld G .K . Chow (C om pute r P rogramm ing) M r. Y .T . Chung (A ccounting) M r. S .K . Fang (Engineering) D r. N .C . H u n g (C h em istry) Professor D a vid H . L i (A ccounting) D r. S.C. L o h (E lectronics) D r. T .K . W ei (Journalism ) D r. T .C . W ong (Physics) A vo lun ta ry, no n -cre d it, te rm course in “ Com pu te r Concept and P ro g ram m in g " is now offered at each o f the three Colleges, U n ite d College in the firs t te rm and the other tw o Colleges in the second term . Besides, the Centre conducts from tim e to tim e short intensive courses in “ C om pu te r P ro g ram m in g " fo r fa c u lty m em - bers and research students. S taff members o f all three faculties and members o f the adm in istra tive staff attended the firs t tw o courses, in F ebruary 1967 and A ug ust 1967. A five-week extram u ral Certificate Course in C om pu te r Fundamentals and P rogramm ing, also sponsored by the Centre, was recently completed. D r. C .V .D . F o rrin g to n , V is itin g L e c tu re r in C om pu te r Science o f the U n iv e rs ity o f Manchester, spoke on " A p - p lica tio n o f Computers in U n iv e rs itie s " in November. Besides m a in ta in in g a small lending lib ra ry , the Centre issues the fo llow in g publications free o f charge 一 Computing Centre Newsletter, Computer A B C and General I nformation on I B M 1130 Computing System. BURSARIES FOR D IPLOMA OF EDUCATION (EVENING COURSE) STUDENTS G ove rnm en t has recently approved the rem ission o f fees to teachers taking the evening course fo r the D ip lom a in E ducation at this u n ive rsity as follow s :- (a) Repayment o f fees may be made in the fo rm of grants by G overm ent to teachers who have shown satisfactory progress at the end o f each year o f the course. (b) T h e grants w ill be lim ite d to candidates selected by the D ire c to r o f Education, who show excep- tion al prom ise and who w o u ld not otherwise be able to afford the tu itio n fees. (c) Teachers from aided and private schools w ill be eligible fo r these grants as well as teachers from G overnm ent schools. G overnm ent has fu rth e r approved tha t teachers in G overnm ent and aided schools w ith o u t approved p ro - fessional tra in in g who complete the course satisfactori- ly and who are in the appropriate grades w ill become e ligible fo r the grant o f one increm ent on th e ir salary scale if the y are no t already on the m a xim um o f th e ir scale. CUHK DEGREE ACCEPTABLE FOR POSTGRADUATE LIBRAR IANSH IP EXAM INAT ION T h e Bachelor o f Social Science degree from this un ive rsity is recognized fo r purposes o f en try to the Postgraduate Professional E xam ination o f the L ib ra ry Association o f Lo nd on . F or detailed in fo rm a tio n those interested in applying to a school o f lib ra ria n - ship in the U n ite d K in g d om should w rite to the P ub- lications O fficer at 7 R idgm o un t Street, Store Street, Lo nd on , fo r the Students Handbook 1967-68, price 9/ - . ADVISORY BOARD OF EXTRAMURAL STUDIES ESTABLISHED T h e A d viso ry Board o f E xtram u ra l Studies, w hich is to meet at least once every six months, has been established, to advise the V ice-C hancellor on general policies concerning the p rom o tio n and development o f the extram u ral w o rk o f th is U n ive rsity. T h e members are: M r. K .S . L o (Chairm an) M rs. E llen L i S hu -pu i M r. J.S. Lee M r. T .S . W ong M r. T .C . Cheng D r. A .R .B . E the rton M r. W ang C h i M r. Nelson Y oung M r. T .C . L a i (Secretary) 3
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