Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1980

NewUniversitySecretary The University Council has announced the appointment of Dr. Chen Fong-ching, BA ., MA., Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in Physics of this University, to succeed Mr. N. H. Young as Secretary of the University from 1st July, 1980 upon Mr. Young's resignation. Dr. Chen joined the University as Lecturer in Physics in 1966 and was promoted Senior Lecturer in 1977. Apart from devoting his efforts to teaching and academic research, he is actively involved in the promotion of staff-student relations and student welfare. He was Dean of Students of United College in 1977 and Chairman of the University-wide Committee on Student Affairs in 1979. His community services include membership of the Advisory Board of the Hong Kong Examinations Authority and the Commonwealth Scholarships Selection Committee. The academic interests of Dr. Chen were at first centred around particle theory but later redirected to macroscopic properties of polymers, on which he published a number of papers in international journals. He had visited several research centres including C E R N (the European Centre for Nuclear Research) at Geneva, the International Centre for Theoretical Physics at Trieste, and the Engineering Division of Oxford University. Dr. Chen, aged 40, received his secondary education in Hong Kong and university education at Harvard (B.A. 1962) and Brandeis (Ph.D. in Physics 1967) in the United States. H e is married, with two children. 1