Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2000
UNDERSTANDING H O N G KONG 'S POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CULTURE The fall of Margaret Thatcher on the steps of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in 1983 heralded a 14-year long transition to the full resumption of the sovereignty of Hong Kong by the Chinese government. The period was marked by waves of immigration, bickering between the Chinese and British governments, and specidation in the real estate market. Yet Hong Kong's economy was at the peak of its prosperity until the onset of the Asian financial crisis. Three years after the handover, just before the dawn of the new century, Hong Kong society was full of anxiety and uncertainty a world's difference from its pre-1997 confidence. Local Empirical Social Science Research What has Hong Kong' s political culture been like for the last few decades? What social changes have there been? Researcher s at the University attempt to understand the process through empirical social science research. Ever since the 70s, questionnaires have been used to gather information, data have been carefully analysed, socio-political pictures of Hong Kong has been painted, and suggestions concerning public affairs have been raised. Professor of sociology at the University La u Siu-kai pointed out that The Chinese University ha s always been a leader in this area. Not only was it the first academic institution to study local political culture and social change using the empirical approach, it has also produced the largest amount of research output. And the majority of young scholars of socio-political studies in other local tertiary institutions are in one way or another related to The Chinese University. The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies , for example, brings together local scholars to study social indicators and developments, and their findings have served as yardstick s for assessing th e existing political system and a reference guide in the formulation of public policies. Prof. Lau Siu-kai Understanding Hong Kong's Political and Social Culture 25
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